Sluggo Got A Sex Change

Get back in your hole.

Your Mother didn't say anything last night - the gaffer tape saw to that.

Ooooh, you said "fucking", how edgy

Yes, because I'm a professional comedian.

"I read the National Review cover to cover. Check in at Townhall.com every day. Check the Washington Times daily. Listen to Dennis Prager and Michael Medved on a regular basis. Read Mark Steyn with regularity. Read the Weekly Standard. So, yes, I do vote Republican."[8] He later called Minneapolis Star Tribune as "the

You know what else gets really stale, really fast?

The 80's rocked.

My Grandma was deaf you asshole.

What, now I have to explain my points to people?

What is with all these people fucking watching Good Burger this weekend?

I saw Punch Drunk Love a few years ago and hated it.

Just say no.

Ha ha, Rivers Cuomo, man.

Books are for shut-ins.

You post way too much, dude.

No pop culture for me this week, essays.

You guys realize those explosions were fake, right?

The bitch's name is Tree.

I'd let him shake inside my vagina.

Unibomber? National hero.