Sluggo Got A Sex Change

Hey guys, I got another sex change!

Y'all a bunch of sad motherfuckers.

If I wanted to watch old queens ride around on bikes, I'd stare out my window.

Dude - you do understand it isn't normal to be obese, right?

You guys are late to the game.

I've had people rip off my shtick before, and it hurts.

She did one for Dead Man's Party:

Shut up.

You're right. I just laid around the house and farted.

No pop-culture for me this week, comrades.

So this is what we do, now? Just repost our own comments if people ignore them?

Speaking of blood on people's hands…

Where the fuck is his pupil.

I don't even remember 1983 - I was hip deep in hookers and a blizzard of cocaine.

God doesn't exist, get over it.

You're trash, bro.

You don't want to fuck with me, dude.

Sluggo Thread!

Who the fuck are you?

He also has his thinly veiled contempt for his audience.