
I cannot disagree with this statement. I want to, but I can't.

I am 22 and I assure you, I grew up with the original trilogy. I wasn't as vehemently disappointed in Episode I, but I didn't even see Episode II for ages, although I saw Episode III at a midnight screener because my friend worked at the theater. I liked that one the most of the prequels.

Kanye has seen Enter the Void?
Has anyone seen Kanye's new video for "All of the Lights"? It strikes me as a bit of an homage to/rip off of the Enter the Void credits sequence.

@JFC She was great in the King's Speech, yes. She was stuck with a typical role (supportive wife/uh…queen?) but she made lovely work of it. In fact, I quite liked her and Firth together. Very sweet. And the movie was excellent overall.

I don't think he would reject it out of hand if he heard it for whatever reason. I would assume that, since it's posed as a personal practice, it applies to music he seeks out? Maybe. I don't know, I can't really get behind it either, although I also understand the feeling of catching up on classics and missing

Alright episode
This show has grown on me, but this was just an okay episode (maybe still a B, but a B-, not +). Jules was unbearable and psychotic, and it's episodes like this that really make it hard to swallow all the moments where *cue sentimental music* we realize they're all one big weird family gathered around

With your avatar, justpassing, that is absolutely wonderful.

@RagingBear I think this was mostly a case of specific people with specific issues, although one problem with Hispanic is that it is used as a catch-all for Latin American countries while implying Spanish descent, which doesn't apply to countries like Brazil. So, while not offensive necessarily, it's usage can be

Diarrhea, that would probably be Terminal Velocity.

Maybe funnier, MBS, but not better. Although when Louie went for laughs, it was much funnier and sharper than the League. The League was weak this season.

I don't understand the vehemence of these responses.

Did anyone else see Jim Carrey on Comedy Central's Reel Comedy (or whatever that half hour show is that is just on set interviews plugging comedies)? He was weirdly sexually aggressive to a female interviewer, culminating in him mounting her on the ground and them making out (including her apparently being

Actually, Buffy was largely about demons, as well as vampires. And Isidore's description is accurate.

Re: DVRing, I have ATT's U-verse cable, which for some reason includes both a TBS and TBS-West channel, which means I get to watch Conan at 10 and The Daily Show immediately after, which is fantastic.

Couldn't tell you how it started, but my friends and I would always race to be Boris. "I AM INVINCIBLE!" I never got him, so I'd usually just pick the male scientist.

So many lost hours
Seriously, they could have just ported the original to the Wii and I would have played it for another billion hours. Plus, I sold my Wii, so I will STILL have to go over to my friends house to play this version. Excellent.

I do agree that it's an incongruous image, but really, it gets interminable real fucking fast. I definitely like the band, although I've only recently discovered them, but the one time I saw them live, his endless thrashing blew the show for me.

I have to take people at their word that this band keeps making new music. I don't dislike them, I'm just perfectly happy loving the shit out of Bleed American.

Gervais and Elmo singing "Set your bigots free!" was sublime.

@Hopey-Changey and Stuff N Fluff: Let's get you clever fuckers in a room with Christopher Nolan.