
I'm tempted to prefer the second, but I fear that may loose your bowels in anger, so I will refrain. Also, as you and others have reminded me, ED2 lacks tree rape.

@bayer: I'm tempted to agree, except I only understood about half of what you said.

Loved this movie
This is one of those movies I loved from the first viewing. A true classic. Probably a wholly unnecessary blu-ray, though.

Jigga, please.

@ Primer- That is exactly how I feel. Gilliam has been nearly ruined by CG, and it was especially awful in Imaginarium, where everything was gleaming and obvious like something out of a video game. CG makes it to easy for him to get lost in unlimited visual possibility; he needs to be restricted by practicality, and

Yeah, this came at the wrong moment. I'm at 84% in Achievement Unlocked 2 and I really don't want to cheat. But damn.

Nothing to add about the game
Except that I played the first for about an hour and never touched it again. Boring, weak mechanics. Is anyone else's Recycler-O-Meter pushing a Constipated David Lynch on them?

The Bens (they were both named Ben, right?) were both showblockers in that I literally stopped watching a show that I never miss otherwise once they took over. Jesus they were awful. It was a nice send off, though, and hopefully we can read Michael Phillips' comments at the end as a hint of things to come.

He was hilarious in State of Play. I don't even remember much about his part, just that he was some superdouche who drove some slick car. Best part of that movie.

I say this knowingly throwing myself under all the withering scorn the AVclubbers are capable of summoning, but Dan in Real Life was really pretty good. Oh, and Anchorman. But checking his IMDB, I keep forgetting his fame has really been recent, and he hasn't been in that much. Granted, what he was in hasn't been

Out of context, that's a hilariously dramatic staging of the photo.

I actually liked GTA IV's multiplayer, but people had stopped playing it by…uh, like, the day after it came out? It was depressing, because I worked in a video store with a video game attached, and coworkers and I spent the weeks before release inventing various tank/speedboat/helicopter/RPG multiplayer scenarios,

*fap fap fap* -…what?!

July 28
I am shocked, SHOCKED that it took Kanye West until July 28 to join Twitter. Seriously, that seems like catnip to someone with the sort of impulse control issues he has.

@No Nonsense I was hoping that I would be alright by not caring about the firstie, but clearly there's no winning. Although I admit, it was a dry effort.

Agreed, although come to think of it, Lindsay Lohan would definitely fit with the Q&A as to someone who would totally take me out of a movie at this point.

Is it MY birthday? Because I have a thing for Lizzy Caplan, and this sounds like the best thing ever.

Live Free or Die Hard was solid, ridiculous fun, especially in it's attempt to use more practical stuntwork. Let's not be hasty with throwing Ratner's name around here. Still, agreed that there is no reason to attempt to remake Total Recall. At all.

Not relevant to the article, but I was just listening to that song the other day, and my favorite bit is T-Pain singing "Never thought I'd be on a boat!" His life plan did not include the most remote possibility of setting foot on a boat, and yet, here he is.

Let's not talk about it.