

What the hell?
Why does every single review for this album insist on mentioning that "You were always my favorite drug/Even when we used to take drugs" line? I guess it makes sense citing it as an awful line (it is), but it's just annoying. I should probably just read less reviews for new Stone Temple Pilots albums,

To whoever mentioned Heat, thank you. That movie is made up entirely of my favorite cinematic moments. One of my favorites is where Pacino's team of cops are observing De Niro's gang going over a plan in a shipping yard. De Niro's team leaves, Pacino's team immediately moves to where they were standing and tries to

Guilty pleasure is less guilty?
Just want to pile on the love for this show; it really is pretty funny, and for the reasons Todd mentioned. It feels like a real group of friends just hanging out, being goofy. Although their attitudes towards drinking are kind of ridiculous and irresponsible (not that I mind, but you'd

Bound is an excellent, tight little noir, and Gina Gershon and Jennifer Tilly had spectacular chemistry, as we all clearly know. Coupled with the Matrix, they were off to a brilliant start. This sounds…well, ridiculous. I'd be first in line.

I actually just had a Faygo grape soda from the local grocery chain, essentially a Safeway/Von's/what-have-you, and I live in the San Francisco bay area. Is it supposed to be kind of a trashy thing? Because it was deeeeelishus.

@ Your Loving Mother
To be fair, I believe Wayne Coyne has said he doesn't know how to actually play music, really. When I saw the Flaming Lips, his contribution was more ringleader/vocalist than anything instrumental. Beyond that point, though, the guy from the Femmes was being a dick. They're great, though.

Just to clarify, in the scene where Marie is yelling at Gomey/Merkert, Merkert says something to the effect of "Unfortunately, since Hank was technically suspended without pay, he won't receive any benefits". So, yeah, Hank got screwed by the timing. I missed when they introduced it, but was their a collection box to

Okay, so…I can't read.
I read the headline as "Stephen Malkmus and Beck make beautiful music together (and not in a musical way)" and was expecting an entirely different piece. Well. Color me…uh…confused? Disappointed? Aroused? I really don't even know.

Agreed, Violet. Amusing enough if you're a diehard fan of Wain and his troupe of performers but only about half of the skits come close to connecting, and even when they do, it gets dragged out ("The Goof" or whatever, it's been a while). Wet Hot American Summer is amazing, though.

Seriously, so fine. Ridiculous.

I won't begrudge anyone their opinions, so say what you will, but at least Rob Zombie was trying with the Halloween movies. I actually really liked the first (and have only seen the unrated DVD, which was a half hour longer; maybe that made the difference?), and he obviously has a feel for mood and horror beyond

@ mcgee- While the Avatar hate has gotten pretty exhausting up til this point, this is actually worth being enraged over. It's a mediocre movie that's managed to make, what, two billion dollars? Can't Cameron just be happy with that, plus the millions of DVD/ Blu Ray sales he still stands to make? When he rereleases

Lone, I think more often people use "arty" for "pretentious", and both of them as a short hand for (like you were saying earlier) not wanting to put the effort into truly understanding a work.