Michaelangelo Matos

That Hoosier Hot Shots song is hearable on the group's own collections, but Trikont, a German label, put out a great v/a collection called Novelty Songs: Crazy & Obscure (http://www.trikont.com/basi… that anyone who likes this Inventory should own. Should have mentioned it in the blurb.

Ha! I have changed "Declaration of Independence" to "Pledge of Allegiance," needless to say. My only defense is that I don't have DV-R and was writing everything on the fly. Thanks for the catch.

I think it is! I never put that together before, thank you. (I love "In the Meantime.")

My link was an answer to A. Salieri, who wanted to see an interview in which a no waver (in the link's case, two people who co-wrote a history of no wave, one of whom was in Sonic Youth, which came out of no wave) claimed Yoko had influenced it. As for "But don't act like she's influencing any more than a tiny segment

I should have said NARAS (a.k.a. the Recording Academy), rather than the RIAA, in my blurb. (Thanks to the friend who corrected me.)

The first Futureheads album is GREAT. I'm always in the mood to play it again.

I wondered that too; my blind guess is that maybe she's infertile.

Hey all—if any of you are still reading this, and interested, I'm going to be sending out the Top 10 Mixes as an email list for now. If you want to be on it, write to matoswk@gmail.com and I'll be sure to include you. Thanks again for all the kind words: it means a lot.

Sg: The second half tailing off is exactly why it missed the Top 10. (I'm not a big Low fan, either.)

Well, the previous columns all have mix recommendations and aren't leaving the archives, so by all means find more of those.

Just think—if this column had gotten 200 useless, asinine comments like Shmenge's every month like the rest of the features on here I'd probably still be writing it C'est la vie.

This is the final Beat Connection
I was going to write an intro note about this—I received word it was being killed on Friday—but the weekend was busy. Thanks to everyone for reading and commenting, and if/when I move it elsewhere (no idea where that might be at the moment), I'll put something up here.

Newman's interview in the book is, in fact, very precise; I just didn't have the space (or inclination) to excerpt it all. Needless to say, he goes into a lot more detail than that.

Next month for sure.

Fully agreed on Girl Unit. I tend to stick to full albums and longer EPs here, but I review singles and EPs of this sort (among others) every week for The Stranger in Seattle. (Column archive: http://www.thestranger.com/…

Mixcloud is play-only, and my rule is that I only review mixes you can download. (I haven't reviewed any of the Red Bull Music Academy streaming mixes for the same reason.)

I hadn't heard about the Koze remix till now—thanks for the tip. (The Big Crunch Theory EP has a Roman Flugel remix too, yum.)