Michaelangelo Matos

Missing mix
This one went missing:

Argh, I did! Thanks for the catch.

Thank you! It's in the queue. May take a while to get to, but I'll try.

Thanks for reminding me of that. The AVC might be running a review, but if not I'll try to cover it here.

Hahaha, that's exactly what I like about it.

Didn't even know it was coming out. I've never really been a fan.

I should also say that I really liked the last Caribou, which was closer to straight psych-rock than to dance music, or even IDM or ambient. So I'll definitely be interested to hear what all of it sounds like.

I'm eager to hear the whole album. The new Four Tet isn't an unapologetic dance album but it's got a definite house pulse, more so than usual, and I like that one a lot too. (Chris Martins also does, rightly: http://www.avclub.com/artic…

The term came from a PR campaign, not Pavement.

The Lone album I didn't hear until after I turned the column in—it probably would have made my Top 10. The "Joy Reel"/"Sunset Teens" single was one of my favorites of '09 as well.

Take Fountain
Just to clarify—I actually like Take Fountain. My draft of the review was sufficiently unclear that the editors thought I was saying otherwise—which, looking again, it seemed like I was. My fault, then, for being muddled.

Gio's only been on one episode before this one, and he was annoying on it. But yeah, on this one he was fairly likable. Not sure where his appearance is going but if he and Betty do hook up it could be interesting—he does have more spark than most of the other new characters.

Re: Summer camp?
I think Chrissy has a point about Justin grieving, but I also think there's a lot to be said for Santos's basic absence from his life to this point—there's a moment in Season 1 where Justin says something to Santos about it directly. I grew up with an absentee dad and felt much the same way myself, so