The Darkest Time Lord

If you honestly think there's any chance the lesson Republican voters take from the next four years is "wow, lots of Republican policies are actually really not great for me personally," then you're far, far more optimistic than I am.

I don't think he should be clueless, though. He didn't arrive in K’un-Lun as a baby and grow up there with no idea of how the outside world works. He was at least ten in the flashback we saw of him playing Monopoly on the roof with Ward and Joy, so he has so sense of how human beings interact in New York City. I could

He really does look like a rapey Andy Samberg. I wonder if he's going to show her his dick in a box.

I think in the 'dumb things helicopter pilots do' sweepstakes, the idiots who allow the zombies to climb into their chopper win the big prize. I mean, seriously, you literally have the ability to hover well out of their reach for as long as your fuel lasts. How do you fuck that up?

It got into her hand and it went bad, so he lopped it off at the wrist.

And yet, the not-hive-mind zombies have the presence of mind to think "hey, you know what? We don't really need a little zombified cancer kid, or a zombified homeless guy. Let's not only not bite them, but let's miraculously avoid trampling them despite the fact that we literally run full speed into walls at other

See, I think we all ought to be allowed to Tase three people week. That's enough to keep folks polite, but it's not so many that you don't have to think carefully about whether it's worth zapping the idiot who who tries to shove into the subway car while people are still trying to get off.

It's just not part of your legerdemain.

I volunteer at a small independent theater that does the full Rocky Horror show every Halloween, and while it is a pain to clean up after, I have to say that 'The Room' produced a much bigger mess. We were finding plastic spoons in the auditorium for a month after that.

I just can't wait to get Out of Africa.

I gotta stop intergrating Joe Pesci trivia into my murders. People know more about him than I anticipated.

I think Wrestler Ted wore a luchadore mask, so Latin would make sense.

Presumably the rebels didn't have any RPGs until Miles showed up with the wagon o' guns, so having power wouldn't have helped them.

The only thing on the wine list is D'Fwine.

It was 'Fred and Barney.' Flinstones reference. Nailed it!

Sadly Tucker Max is the Kerouac of our generation. In 50 years sensitive teenaged boys will sit around their rooms moodily reading about the time Tucker took a dump on that one girl's chest.

Sadly Tucker Max is the Kerouac of our generation. In 50 years sensitive teenaged boys will sit around their rooms moodily reading about the time Tucker took a dump on that one girl's chest.

I agree with you that the show is flaky on this, but given that Monroe really wants those choppers, it's not out of the question that he could have maintained them in the hopes that he'd eventually find a way to power them again. Granted that fuel oil might be a scarce commodity in the powerless future, but Monroe

I agree with you that the show is flaky on this, but given that Monroe really wants those choppers, it's not out of the question that he could have maintained them in the hopes that he'd eventually find a way to power them again. Granted that fuel oil might be a scarce commodity in the powerless future, but Monroe

Right. It's that, and not the fact that you're a tumbling, tumbling dickweed.