One more needs to be made to complete the bald McClane Die Hard Trilogy.
One more needs to be made to complete the bald McClane Die Hard Trilogy.
The Dorner Manifesto? Richard McBeef?
cholesterol in cheap pizza
You think my S.E. gives a hang if your dead in a car wreck or drunk or in jail or something, she doesn't care but that doesn't bother me. You're not going anywhere.
LET'S DO IT FOR YANNI! *stabs John Tesh*
Aw, c'mon. He's foreign looking and says crude, smart-alecky things with a white bread delivery. He's like that guy at Geek Squad we spend an extra 15 minutes with after he rang us up riffing on BSG or Robotech.
Forgot Robert Reed was in this. So that explains a lot of things, Miss Thang.
…you forgot Neil Sussman, an agent, a mother, a father, a shoulder to cry on, someone who knows this business inside and out and someone willing to squeeze balls until they are dead…
you comment LIKE A GIRL!
somebody needs to paint a painting like the one you'd find at the swap meet, but instead of fallen rap stars it'd have fallen SF heroes like Rod, Ray, H.P. and Bobby Heinlein surrounded by sparkling bling and hoes.
Most people never have to face the fact that at the right time and the right place, they're capable of ANYTHING.
Didn't Gilbert O'Sullivan get caught up in that too? I seem to remember him dropping an Atomic Elbow off the top rope.
'Plato's Cage' used to belong to Dana Plato, dude.
'member in that White Diamonds commercial in the 90's, when Liz Taylor appears from behind a door after watchin' some dude she's all Cat on a Hot Tin Roof kinda' hotz for, and then she throws down her diamond earring on the table and she says something like, 'hey, listen holmes, my man's still up in these here game…
that man had one seriously ragin' mullet, even in the Age of Ragin' Mullets.
He cock's his pistol a few times, so no, there's plenty of that.
I recount the news with a few Colt 45's and a pack of Virginia Slim 100's. Satisfied?
Yes, where is the Snowman in all this?
looks like we're gonna' need Billy Bong Thornton to get thru this one!
there's an episode of Kojak called 'THERAPY IN DYNAMITE' that's got a similar setup to this film, although with Telly it's much cooler and, of course, has less boom-chicka-bow-wow.