
Jeez, so now "easy to please" is a harsh comment? How is it that we can hear ass, bitch, shit, etc. (all except fuck) on cable networks these days (later in the evening, of course) yet a website forum cries when you use words like jackass and say someone is easy to please? Is sarcasm going to be banned next because

Hah, SURE, next you'll be telling me there's no such thing as vampires…

Who doesn't appreciate crispy baby? In those shorts, I'd pay for her driveway… and can you tell me you honestly didn't get a kick out of Sookie saying that shit to Eric. I mean the guy she's negotiating with just had some dude locked in his basement, shot, bit, and bleeding to death? The bitch has balls of steel.

I agree that this episode was great, deserving more than a B+, but I won't harp on the grade since it's not THAT far off, more of an A in my opinion.

Are you stupid? They are two reasonable questions.

Well they also spoke English, that's a clear shout-out…

Oh, shit.

You might be right about the White House thing, but at the same time, why would them moving back into a redecorated White House get the front page? Seems like a boring story, and a little too in your face to be so simple.

Hey, Yummsh, perhaps there is a larger conspiracy going on there….

Honestly, I figured someone would mention the oncoming cry-fest about them showing the Twin Towers in the end of the episode. I only wish it weren't likely to happen.

Anyone else questioning how the fuck his "shapeshifting" power works? I was assuming that he couldn't change his clothes, wasn't that presented as being true? And now he is doing just that? And then he goes on to describe it as a "genetic manipulation" power, so is he creating skin clothes or are the Heroes writers

No, she at no point poured more into her hand. I just rewatched the scene.

Anyone else notice the part with the M&M's?

There is but one guarantee on Heroes:

Okay, not a real doctor, now you're getting into The Princess Bride mind fuck logic.

Patterns? You are fucking retarded. We are to assume that the ubernerd and his ubertard buddy are way smarter than everyone else and can just "figure out" where people are? Well, gee, now I know why they got rid of Molly, who needs her! We've got PATTERNS!

So basically, they assumed she was a retard and would go there despite it being "quite clear" she would go there? Either Angela is more retarded than we thought, or Noah (or whoever sent them there) is a fucking genius.

How did Noah find them in the church? Damn good question. Just like wondering how Peter knew Angela needed to be rescued, let alone how the hell he got to her in the elevator shaft. These are the things that still plague Heroes, the logic leaps for plot purposes. They just make plot points and don't worry about

I think they made a big deal about burying the bodies, because they didn't want the others to find them. If they couldn't find the bodies then it would be more difficult for the Others to say they are indeed dead.

The dialogue was exactly the same as it's been, adding in a Yogi Bear joke and some other stupid references doesn't change anything. And it's a really poor defense of the show to say "for a Heroes episode". That's basically saying you agree, I'm right, the show still sucks, you just think it doesn't suck quite as