
Tristiac, reread what I posted above, Desmond couldn't have been going to an alternate timeline, it was his own timeline he traveled on. They went through a good amount of exposition to explain this.

Why is everyone complaining about Juliet being alive at the opening of the 2007 portion of the episode? She was clearly alive when she caused the bomb to explode, and when everyone woke up in 2007 they were all alive, the bomb didn't kill them. So why would Juliet be dead?

It really wouldn't make sense for Juliet, or Desmond, to be time-traveling to a different timeline (alter-815ers as we're calling them here).

Slowmo, when Mr. Duck asks, you had better listen! Be nice to your fellow posters, regardless of how wrong they are. Instead of, for example, calling humanist a brainless fucking moron, censor yourself, say "humanist, you silly goose!". That way no one cries themselves to sleep, wiping away their tears with pages

Hey let's not forget the line from Todd's very own review last week:
"I have trouble with the show's portrayal of vampire culture and how it tries to equate that subculture, often too cutely, with the homosexual subculture in the U.S."

Hey there, slow down that critical thinking Todd….

I imagine when you are in a room with a couple of thousand or so year old super fast, super strong killing machines, you don't worry so much about protection. They have shown on True Blood how the vampires can be very arrogant in terms of how powerful they think they are.

You know what I find really ironic? The fact that some whiners bitch about the back and forth of slowmo's (versus whoever) posts (even sometimes the staff, who occasionally just try to take back what they say), and say that they are "mean" (aww, so sad). But what's ironic is that if he wasn't posting, just look at

Seriously Frank, now you can finally sit in front of your fireplace in your favorite chair, wearing that wonderfully soft robe, smoking your pipe while perusing the latest thoughtful AVClub postings. Thank god these hooligans have finally come back around to civility on these boards!

Wow, I got a mention without even posting yet. It's wonderful to be popular.

Oh, and just so you know silly buns, their French accents were supposed to be fake, given the fact that they were pretending. *rolls eyes* What the fuck were you expecting? *rolls eyes again*

Did you stop during Season 1 or 2? Season 1 was very slow moving, but in the end it paid off so very well, it was definitely worth the slow build.

Also, it wasn't the first time he noticed them, he noticed them when she got out of the lake before. It was the first time he mentioned them. Is the first thing you do, when you meet an attractive woman who seems genuinely interested in you, ask her about the horrific looking scars on her back?

Gotta love the blood sex…

His entire conversation with Luke was hilarious. Most of the shit involving him is hilarious. He's like a little kid living a man's life, so easily convinced that god wants Sarah to screw his brains out, it's just great.

Wow, did I have enough typos in my post?

Okay, to start, Proto Man, what specifically were you replying to in the first few lines of your post? I can't really tell.

As opposed to getting arrested for all the other illegal stuff he (and his crew) does? What about blowing up stuff, opening fire in public, general breaking and entering, assault, etc. The list of illegal activities goes on and on, but he is an expert at avoiding the blame. Wouldn't he be just as adept at avoiding

Well, first off, they don't have to go straight to "unburned" status and working for the government again. And if they did, they could do something fantastic with the story. They need to take some chances, do something unexpected. Needless to say, they could do just about anything they want and still find a way to

Why do I get the image of some kid with a bag of Doritos in his hand cowering in his basement?