
Respect? You do remember that she was a huge nag, and was cheating on him right?

Oh, and a note to Steve, you said:
"and sets the stage nicely for a total Petrelli resurgence against "the man." Who in this case happens to also be a Petrelli."
Don't you think Danko would have told his superiors that he saw Nathan fly, thus getting him fired? Not to mention didn't someone say he and his daughter were

How exactly was the quality any better? Are we becoming numb to stupidity as demonstrated by characters? Or by plot devices?

It all leads to a funny little story where Sylar has to sit down with his father and tells him that he needs Lasik, only to find out his dad is a psychopath.

They were doing you the favor of preparing you for the disappointment.

Super flying headbutt attack, all Gohan vs. Raditz style….

Perhaps Claire's next adventure in the "real world" could have her work at a Buy More! Wouldn't that just be a great dramatic story waiting to unfold?

I was a little more annoyed at the guy who yelled out "I've got a shot!" so that the guy who they thought was a psychotic terrorist could hear them.

Actually, Claire has a pretty useful ability, in a team like setting at least. If she loaded up like some kind of dart or some shit with her blood, she could go around healing the shit out of everyone, resurrecting downed comrades and everything.