The Prighlofone

"Me and Mary are proof that love can make it through any storm. Even Desert Storm."

I thought we all agreed we were going to refer to the 2000s as "the zeroes"?

There actually is a patron saint for the Internet (in Catholicism), Isidore of Seville, who wanted to record everything that humankind knew in a voluminous encyclopedia. I haven't looked up how he died yet. I do believe, however, he'd be pro-net neutrality; and I'm making sure to let every influential "religious"

Perlstein's working on a follow-up book about the Carter years now.

They came around to it because it was repeated ad nauseum.

Wait a second…is THAT why 2016 turned out the way it did? Because Colbert didn't bother running?

FOW deserved better - better sales, more acclaim, a longer career.

New Radicals' "You Get What You Give" makes me feel optimistic about the world and the future. And that is a challenge. Especially lately.

Me too…

"BoJack" is apparently coming back in August and it's been confirmed the only season that's being dropped from "Futurama" is the 6th season.


Why hasn't Kyle Chandler gotten the big, meaty lead role he deserves yet? He's been performing far above "respectable" in Oscar-nominated films in smaller supporting roles (that nonetheless are too small to qualify for "Best Supporting Actor") for years now!

Plus, those quotes both say that 'Pac started coming at them for no particular reason. They may have taken advantage of that, but that doesn't mean they fabricated it. It kind of proves my point.

It's kind of hard to see it this way, but considering how belligerent 'Pac became towards his life's end (almost like a bully), it was nice to see someone who got one of his myriad disses look him straight back in the eye unflinchingly without being threatened by it, and threw something right back at him.


I just found out he listened to old Eminem songs to get into character for Bill the Butcher in "Gangs of New York". That's one of the coolest things I've ever heard. I wonder if Eminem watched him play Gerry Conlon as inspiration for "8 Mile" and triumphing over the odds.

I thought I saw Robin Williams' "Awakenings" right at the end (even though that was a 1990 release.)

Not to mention Howard throwing "bullshit!" at Chuck, right before celebrating his accomplishments as he left. THAT felt really good.

It did! It didn't look entirely like the inside of a Blockbuster store, but they would have had to go all the way to Alaska to film for that (where some independent franchises still exist and operate), so I give them props for the effort.

And that was the last thing he ever said to Jimmy. Goddamn, you wouldn't think something more dismissive than insulting would make such an impact.