The Prighlofone

Since we have some Internet giants trying to help out the net neutrality cause which would benefit this website, maybe we could put Kinja on hold indefinitely?


Yep, but there was a lot of dispute on whether or not they should be included once they became well-known.

That's a big possibility, but Cosby still made it into the African-American Museum of History and Culture in D.C…so you never know.

Hey, we have Pope Francis now. If he can reinstate U.S.-Cuba relations, he can do anything.

Uh…San Francisco's most famous independent record store was built on the site of a former bowling alley?

Man, I've been waiting for this for years. I'm excited. Hope it all pans out.

We're at least in summer 2015, because the Charleston church shootings were mentioned.

I'm really surprised they didn't mention Orlando…

Sometimes premises that seem stupid wind up being executed with aplomb. After the announcement of the movie "Edge of Tomorrow" and before it came out, everyone here was mocking how derivative it was. And yet it came out and a whole bunch of people loved it.

"You paid 50 grand to a bunch of kindergartners for the movie rights to the game 'Tag'?!?"
"Our business manager was over the moon for that one."
"Business manager? Who the hell is your business manager?"
"Business wise, this all seems like appropriate business!"

How do I talk about how genuinely excited for this in a non-generic way here? This cast will shoot it to the top of the Oscar possibility list (some I've seen don't even have it in the top 10 as of now.)

Gus is a monster with a moral compass.

His Nacho is the character I now most want to escape this closed circuit of disaster, like Jesse in Breaking Bad.

"WHOOMP, there it is!" And the face Titus makes afterwards.

Well, when you mention three men and say "he", and then call me out for not realizing which "he" you were referring to, I must say I feel you're more interested in insulting people than proving your own intelligence.

To imply 45 was the same in every way, decades ago, as he is now aside from the political party he subscribes to, is preposterous.

"He's got a 3 in his name where an E is supposed to be! He's not fucking around!"

I was wondering if he was going to change the ending (or have enough time to.) It'd be cool if it didn't end on a note that was completely hopeless.

It's a testament to the shamelessness of Hollywood that they don't feel any modern guilt about this.