The Prighlofone

There are not enough films about bopping. I'm hoping this is the beginning of a sea change.

Would have been nice if "A.P. Bio" had replaced the reboot of "Will & Grace".

That extended fantasy where Francesca merrily shreds Dev's heart HAD to be a (more gruesome) homage to "The Simpsons"' "New Kid on the Block", right?

Maybe he learned to talk as a parlor trick, like Fry.

As for the same-generation Netflix shows, I have a theory: identical twins.


I've said before that that phrase needs to be changed to "contemptuous conservatism" nowadays.

I've never been a big Nicki fan, based on her music. But I think this is super laudable and it makes me think highly of her as a person and I hope more rappers (who can afford it) follow her lead. This is the type of stuff the world needs.

I think this should have at least a B+ because I laughed really, really hard at both episodes up until the end when I was like "oh shit".

The fact that Kimmy, at first, thought Donna's name was Ayuadame (Spanish for "help me") was probably my favorite part.

He said it was "the hardest fucking thing [he] ever had to do" and that he wouldn't wish it on anybody. I read that and was startled. And this man has known some serious pain in his life, so I doubt he'd say that insincerely.

I get what you're saying. That phrase (I first heard about the phrase the day after the monologue) really surprised me too. I think some other people who've replied to this have some good ideas as to why he may seem a bit less stable lately.

I hope to God the Wikipedia entry for the Manchester bombing last night doesn't have "the President of the United States described the bombers as 'evil losers'" under international reactions.

It would have been nice, but it's a reminder how much bitterness, no matter how justified, can scare off even those closest to you.

I wanted Jimmy and Kim to con the asshole who was complaining about his drink so badly.

I'm betting they didn't even know there was a Manchester, New Hampshire.

I've always wanted to change the world in a way like this. This is honestly super cool.

Hell yeah. I didn't mean to completely redirect the focus of my post, I've just seen it and "Madvillainy" compared before. I still like Doom a lot, even though I'm not a fan of a few of his habits, and hope he's able to come back full throttle sometime.

Is Doom ever coming back? I mean, as nice as "Swift & Changeable" and "Madvillainy II" would be, I'm not naive enough to hope for them anymore…but does he have plans for anything else in the future? His more recent collaborative albums haven't made anywhere near the impact that his 2000s ones have.

Andre Braugher and Titus Burgess go up against each other every year at the Emmy's and somehow NEITHER of them has won yet! It's infuriating! They should be alternating years!