The Prighlofone

Holy crap, no obnoxious contrarianism masquerading as snark yet!

No, we can't.

I really preferred the alternate ending where he got shanked and Scorsese faded out on an image of him bleeding to death.

…you HAD to ruin this good news, didn't you?!?

In the NY Times article about this, Lear said, "Sure, the thoughts [Archie] had were antediluvian, but [current president] is a thorough fool."

I'm not sure how Andre could be motivated to rap again. I think he has a wisdom most people (not just rappers) lack and it'd be a privilege to hear his thoughts on life either solo or with Big Boi, and it's a shame he's not very enthusiastic to do either. But at least he hasn't officially "quit" or "retired", we have

PA, man, at least move to Philly if you've gotta stay in Pennsylvania!

Those billboards were delivered to L.A. via drone from Amazon's Seattle headquarters.

In H. Jon Benjamin's voice, right?

An early slogan FOX News went by, in its infancy when still being developed by Ailes, was "People don't want to know the news. People want to feel like they know the news."

I can't tell you the amount of Nasim Pedrad's I had in my town growing up. We had to differentiate them all by their middle names.

…to say that Boots Riley is mediocre is legitimately false.

Unless Hollywood finds a new way to put the avowed Communist Boots Riley on a 21st century Blacklist, this looks like a must-watch already.

Kind of like Carlin at his best! You always felt refreshed, upbeat and at the same time incredibly curious about the world around you after he finished a performance…

Have you all seen the YouTube comments section for this trailer? They are all unanimous in their disdain and disgust for this. It's a sight to behold.

Does an ensemble count? Because if so, Ben Folds Five's horn ensemble in "Army".

Aesop Rock scores it! How can I not watch it?

It's possible. I'm not delusional, and if Pence goes down with Trump, that's what's going to happen. I'm hoping that, by then, if it happens, the GOP will be so associated with how Trump has acted and "governed" that Ryan won't be able to wipe it clean with a few words of eloquence.

I think Colbert kinda nailed it here. She started off trying to ward off her best instincts and behave like a polite and decent, if inexperienced, politician. And then she let her (less overtly toxic, but still dangerous) anger overtake her, started screwing up, and the rest of the country started taking her less

I was JUST thinking about that earlier today! Holy shit, what a time that was…I didn't take such frequent naps to stop worrying about the state of the world…there was an innocence back then. I don't think Romney's evil - his VP, though, we might would have been fucked if something happened to Romney during his first