The Prighlofone

You can say that he was less likely to divert anti-terrorism funding to the Drug War and less likely to ignore a briefing that said "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." and less likely to ignore the fact that everyone at all the major intelligence agencies were having heart palpitations the entirety of summer 2001

Never change, PA.

You can argue it was redemptive in some ways, but not that it made up for all of his past sins, just that it gave an explanation.

Ordinarily, I'd be quite pleased about this news, but we all know that without quality TV writing, we could actually have hastened the revolution this country needs. Oh well.

This is where nuance comes in. Obviously Snape was a shitty character (as in person
- he was a fantastic character), but I'm not entirely certain that "being friend zoned" isn't minimizing who he was and why he acted the way he did.

He and Mitch McConnell make me miss Boehner.

It bothers me when the super liberal who despise Francis somehow expect the church TO move quickly. I think it was @hipsterdbag who once said just the fact that he is nudging it to more liberal, open and accepting positions is a big step in the right direction. And I wish our…ahem…"Christian" President valued his

Absolutely agreed how Mike should do another Fort Minor album. His first one was by and large very good (you can't tell me it's been more than a decade since it was released) and he's likely only grown since then.

Seriously? That's how you describe a new Brother Ali album?

$287 million, huh? Why don't they fire several more male Fox News personalities (Hannity and Doocy first to the chopping block) and give the severance money they'd give them to the WGA?

*Alexander Payne gets note, decides to turn "Election" into a series instead*

It is important to remember that George H.W. Bush did say, "Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education."

Floyd, that is a capital idea! I'm unemployed at the moment, but I intend to get rich by winning game show tournaments; and I know that you're self-employed, so once we are able to, we have to put this together! It's interesting because both of these people recorded their lives, albeit in very different ways, with

How have so few people commented on this, where is Meth Lab Shenanigans when you need him?!?

What about Robert Shields, who did it in the form of a diary? If you get a director who didn't just focus on him writing the diary all the time, you could get a compelling film.

I'm angry at myself for missing the Women's March and this. In fairness, I have too much work and not enough money for transportation. But their numbers make me hopeful, which I haven't felt very much in the last few months.

I was wondering the same thing.

You're a good friend.

There was a song a few years back by a rapper named yU about his Native American heritage and it started off with a misinformed rant by Glenn Beck about Indians. It was a greatly entertaining way to get a listener's attention, and it's a good song to boot.

But really, what's the phrase "lame duck" worth anyhow?