The Prighlofone

If people think Jason Sudeikis is charmless, they clearly haven't seen him on "30 Rock". He just doesn't fit a lot of the roles he's given.

I don't think that's entirely fair. "LEGO Movie" snub aside, the Animated Film category has improved in recent years, nominating a lot more diverse work as well as successful and critically acclaimed work.

He didn't say the same about Bill Clinton, who he's probably known for a much longer time than O'Reilly. Funny, huh?

Oh man, you guys are so right.

I'm still wondering why I haven't seen them together in something. It's a slam dunk.

Now almost every film of PTA's has starred either PSH or DDL.

I'm glad the trailer ended the way it did. I'm sick of this horseshit from utopia-future-peddling-billionaires that going to Mars is the answer to all of our problems and can happen super soon! This is a planet of 7.5 billion people, damn it.

He wants climate change to be a thing of the past, but he really wants an EGOT.

You got some issues, Stan, I think you need some counseling.

I did laugh, loudly. While realizing how awful it was (you know, in a "that's so fucked up" way), but maybe because of the way it was worded. And I believe in God and I now know I'm going to Hell.

Guys, check March's list - it's supposed to come to Netflix this Monday.

Why are they taking off one particular season of "American Dad"? They're leaving the rest up, I hope.

How in the hell are they doing that, they helped reboot the series…

It's coming Monday, check the list of March additions/subtractions for Netflix.

The AV Club
You are REALLY reaching for something to criticize

You know, I looked and those were their only projects of note. You might be right.

The Internet showed Scientology's true colors long before "The Master" did.

This episode really put me on the anti-Mickey side, as much as I liked it.

Oh c'mon, everyone involved in this film: PLEASE change the title.

Rotten Tomatoes has a scale and often has at least some informed, entertaining reviews. This will not really be very comparable.