The Prighlofone

Oh yeah, I mean Chris. I just meant "settling" in terms how both were talking about their unhappiness and bonding over it, not really anything other than that.

I would very much like to see Chris and Bertie kind of…settle for each other, with my own personal hopes that it would develop into something healthy for the both of them.

I don't know, Harold Gellensten, you tell me.

Just to answer the question that was never asked: I'd rather be 10% more good-looking.

I really liked the moment where Gus tells Mickey she's beautiful, she reciprocates the compliment, and then he tells her he recognizes that he actually isn't. It's not that I have some sort of vicious antipathy towards Gus, I just appreciated the way it showed how people deal with their perceptions of themselves and

I expected that moment to become almost immediately self-referential.

I'm in two minds about this. The new series sounds really promising, on one hand and I'd love to see it be properly encouraged by NBC (yes, this is a pipe dream.) But I really hope that the next 2 seasons of "Sunny" happen as scheduled. Damn it, Glenn, Kaitlin's new show hasn't affected her presence on "IASIP"!

Now that is how to end an "Always Sunny" season.

The fact that this is the fallacy of relative privation combined with you referring to yourself and your friends, or anyone, as "successful bros," makes me sad for you.

A tnemnrevog?

Is it cornbread?

He got a magnificent performance out of himself because he respected himself so much!

Because I think most, if not all of us, really, really wanna travel back in time right now, for um…one reason or another.

Take your own advice.

HA! Trump writing his own book? What a brain you have!

Considering the ban of most of the press from the Briefing Room this week, it's even more of a reason to let Rosie play Steve Bannon on "SNL", as this so-called president's closest advisor seems to enjoy living up to his name.

Future's past…his prime?

This headline made me uncomfortable. It seemed as though we were supposed to pre-judge him before we read the article.

There was also the stock market plummet, which was Obama's fault as well.

I think Barry might be the best film they've released so far, and despite their qualitative inconsistency, that their originals are bound to get better as they release more.