The Prighlofone

What is with this administration and people named Steve?!? I expected better from a 9/11 hero!

Any obscure Del Tha Funkee Homosapien reference on the AV Club gets an automatic upvote from me.


It's good to know you're doing well and are the same old HDB. Are you getting married this year? And will you be raising your kids on Earth or elsewhere in the galaxy, because it seems like these new planets have some good real estate.

Well, I mean, it was released in theaters so that the Academy would consider it eligible. I think it's a race between O.J. and 13th and that the latter still has a good chance because it's more concise and cohesive (as well as being still very cutting), not to mention as an apology to Ava DuVernay for not nominating

Except it won a mere one Oscar and the backlash was slightly less immediate. Considering how instantaneous backlash is these days, I'm rather surprised people here aren't already talking about how, say, PTA's upcoming film with Daniel Day-Lewis to come out later this year is overrated and undeserving of the love and

The thing I'm most glad about is to see "Tower" getting recognition here, even though I figured it'd be in Best Documentary rather than Animated Film (its subject matter is rather glum for animated fare). It's a fucking remarkable documentary and it makes mass shootings look terrifying in a way I couldn't imagine them

I'm surprised there was no preference pick, because Pixar's "Borrowed Time" tugs at the heartstrings a lot more than "Piper" does (although admittedly, I haven't seen the rest.)

Yeah, I was sure Adams had it in the bag for the Overlooked category here…

As Bobkat said, I always look forward to this. I'm very against the idea of cutting back the BP nominees to 5, but I'm really happy to see this out today. More thoughts to come later…maybe.

He'd be a far better public speaker.

Particularly "Stop the Presses". Makes me wish Candice Bergen could come back for a recurring role as BoJack's therapist if/when the newspaper business doesn't work out.

We're already in a Golden Age of TV! We didn't need him!

Someone said last week that Mac should just be bi, and I have to concur with that. But I am excited to see how Mac's homosexuality and his brand of homophobic Catholicism contribute to his cognitive dissonance.

T.I. did this successfully a couple of years ago, so there's precedent for rap stars making sure a suicidal person is talked down with their safety made sure of.

Everything is wrong indeed.

There was an anti-gay song they made way back in the early '90s that was considered too homophobic for inclusion on one of their albums. I've never bothered to listen to it, but I think someone made a joke, similar to "do you know HOW racist is too racist for the '80s?" for Jeff Sessions, saying "do you know HOW

You think "Hidden Figures" has a better chance than "Moonlight" at the BP?

I never thought I'd be truly wowed by Lupe again, I'd kind of figured I'd just relisten to "Food & Liquor" and "The Cool" if I wanted to appreciate him again, then he dropped "Mural" and I was just fucking floored. One of the best hip-hop achievements of the decade and of his career.

I truly believe it would only magnify Gleeson's greatness.