The Prighlofone

I like mailboxes. In America, they're a deep, calming shade of blue. Even in the Internet age, there's something that excites and astounds me that any amount of information can come and go to two completely different places as long as it's placed in a box.

Hopefully he keeps bringing around his identical twin cousin.

2016 was Warren's and she chose not to go for it. What might be possible is a second (well, technically first) chance in 2020. That would be incredible.

I was very much anticipating this but then found out most of the cast will not be reprising their original roles, so that has diminished my enthusiasm. It was a very good movie, so I'll check this out if it gets good reviews.

The man's never made a joke in his life!

Maybe Spicer's not the only one who likes The Onion in the administration.

Falling off is a rapper's worst fear, so it's actually apt.

Please don't lump Todd Solondz in with Harmony Korine!

He's pretty much an automatic nay particularly if he's going to consider 2020. He has said he will vote no.

Good to hear. Like the President says, it's a real jewel of a paper. I myself signed up for it back in December (although the online version)! If I were Mark Thompson, I'd be quite happy to boast.

Denzel Washington as someone socially awkward? That's anti-typecasting I approve of. I await this.

Rewatching "TWBB" and forgot how absorbing it is.

You can always rewatch "Forgetting Sarah Marshall".

So this should technically be put in the subsection of Wikipedia's Onion article under "The Onion taken seriously," right? Because I highly doubt he was making fun of himself or the administration.

Geez, this reminds me of the "Twilight Zone" episode, "Deaths-Head Revisited"…

This is horrifying, but people who seem to think that the Oscars are somehow to blame here are outside the boundaries of reality.

To rephrase what I said on AVCAD, it has not been a good week for celebrities who were in Academy Award-nominated films released in 1980. I pray death doesn't come in threes, because we need DeNiro even if he never chooses to act again.

"We Run This" is one of the greatest hip-hop anthems of the 21st century. That band!

Well, at the very least, I look forward to a heartwarming and eloquent tribute from President Obama about her life, work and impact.

Well, I mean, we'd like him to respect the Constitution, but we can't always get what we want, can we?