
I don't know how many faces Jon and the boys rocked before writing "Wanted (Dead or Alive)," but Bon Jovi had toured extensively behind two certified gold albums in the U.S., Europe and Asia. They opened for bands like KISS and the Scorpions in America and Europe and headlined shows in Japan. And Jon appeared solo

Nuno Bettancourt!

I thought the same thing when I saw the trailer, but it turns out (via Wikipedia, FWIW), that the Tuskegee Airmen were credited with sinking a German battleship.

Thank God! I just finished reading the whole series in one go, and I blubbered like a tiny baby when Amp died. I was really worried that I'd just lost my damn mind.

I earnestly skipped the singing bits.

Cake Boss!

Note that Hodgman says the "desire" the climb Mount Everest is selfish and personal and not some transcendent, metaphysical emotion. Yes, the extremes of physical training and grueling effort are of a completely different magnitude than most other activities, but at the end of the day, if you don't die up there

I really want to see Opie kill that scumbag. First Donna, and now Piney?

I must go find this episode immediately.

I just watched an episode with Eddie Izzard, and he was pretty "meh" as well. Almost every "name" guest they have ends up not quite getting in the mix. There's a pretty specific rhythm and flow to "QI," and the regulars, especially Davies and Fry, of course, are just naturally able to get into it.

I have never once been able to understand how money works on this show. "You have $250 for this leg of the race. You must now buy two plane tickets to Iceland, and then drive around in a taxi all day. Good luck!"

I guess more than anything, what totally blew me away about The Shield was the plot. Nothing else I've ever seen on TV besides the first season of Damages has felt so propulsive and urgent as that show did. And The Shield did it for five damn years.

What about The Shield? Is anybody on board with me in thinking The Shield is a definite All-Time Top 5 contender?

Considering that Buffy and Willow have real jobs now (though SMG's shit show Ringers ain't likely to last), and ASH is probably off doing something in Great Britain, the only remotely possible get from that list is Xander. Or his twin brother, who is probably literally not doing anything at all.

I'm gonna scoop the AV Club here! The trailer for "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close:"

Little Hantz is indeed one of the creepiest wackos ever to appear on reality TV. Good thing he wasn't on the same team as BigEyes McBoobs-A-Lot. I think he would have just straight up sacrificed her on an altar he made out of coconuts and bamboo.

Me too! Although I tend to use it in just about any eating context, gum or not.

I had to get the Darkplace DVD content via the tubez … I'm assuming it was ripped from the U.K. release. The one I grabbed was pretty great - it had all the extras and everything.

I thought the same thing. Boy, that would be a REALLY stupid mistake on the producers' part. I can't believe it's anything but a misdirection.

Hm. I've eaten at Taco Bell dozens of times and never experienced any kind of stomach discomfort.