
@Neocu: I'll tell you exactly where he's travelling: All the thousands of towns like the one I live in.

It may be different in different RSS readers, too. I use Google, and I'm normally aware enough not to even click the headline to show an AV Club recap before I've watched an episode of something. But I just wasn't paying close enough attention this time. Totally my bad.

Damn …
So, up comes this story as I'm mindlessly scrolling through my RSS feed … and SPOILER in the first four sentences! And I haven't watched this episode yet.

NBC ordered an extra 11 episodes pretty much out of nowhere in October. This is the first of those 11 episodes. It was definitely rushed, and I'm concerned the remaining 10 will be, as well.

The CC player has been a disaster for me from day one. I have had videos just stop dead on multiple occasions. There were many times in the weeks following the switch from Hulu that I'd click on a specific day's "full episode" and it would bring up some other day entirely. There were also instances of a video not

What's the difference between a truckload of dead babies and a truckload of bowling balls?

Too soon?

Er … also, if you wash your hair in the manner I proposed up there, you're doing it wrong.

"4. So leprechauns and fairies work together now?"

You probably wouldn't be completely lost. "Supernatural" does as good a job as a serialized show can of bringing viewers up to speed each week.

Just a regular old cake bug. All cakes bugs have the power of second sight.

I'm a bit surprised …
At the idea that this season has been less funny. The first several episodes had me laughing more - and more loudly - than the show had done in a good while.

Late To The Party
I realize no one's probably reading these comments now, but I just got to see the show, and I mean to weigh in, and you can't stop me, damn it!


RE: Special hate for S6 SPOILER ALERT BELOW …

I saw Night Ranger live in some rinky-dink gymnasium at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kansas in 1987. First concert I ever attended. I remember thinking they were awesome, and, since they only had two albums out at the time, I didn't have to hear them play any of that crap they put out later in their

Hmm …

The first mix CD my ex-fiancee made for me included "Mr. E's Beautiful Blues."

Having just finished rewatching the whole series from beginning to end, I really feel like the two seasons got a bad rap. So many storylines working together, moving toward payoffs and revelations that are, in some cases, two years away. I know a lot of people were wigged out by a certain (hinted at here) plotline,

I'm not buying it. After seeing Patton in Dollhouse and Big Fan, it's obvious the guy is not some one-note jokester. He can flat out ACT. There's some kind of shady bullshit going on here.