

As reported below, the surgery went as well as such a thing can.She seems to be doing really well. On her own podcast (Professor Blastoff, highly recommended) and on this week's Doug Love's Movies, she's as bright and funny as ever.

As reported below, the surgery went as well as such a thing can.She seems to be doing really well. On her own podcast (Professor Blastoff, highly recommended) and on this week's Doug Love's Movies, she's as bright and funny as ever.

If not the producers, then who do we blame? This crap happens way too often. When they scout these locations/challenges, doesn't anyone take the time to actually run the entire course to see if there are issues like this that could crop up?

If not the producers, then who do we blame? This crap happens way too often. When they scout these locations/challenges, doesn't anyone take the time to actually run the entire course to see if there are issues like this that could crop up?

It's South Park. You might have noticed they make fun of all the people.

It's South Park. You might have noticed they make fun of all the people.

I agree that three is the perfect number. Not only can it get confusing with more than that, but the LMG turns into a real clusterfuck otherwise. There have been several eps with four guests where one person never even gets to play because of the "reverse the order" action after every round. And, of course, the games

I agree that three is the perfect number. Not only can it get confusing with more than that, but the LMG turns into a real clusterfuck otherwise. There have been several eps with four guests where one person never even gets to play because of the "reverse the order" action after every round. And, of course, the games

When joy and happiness die, I guess?

When joy and happiness die, I guess?

Ditto. I was quite pleased to hear him being generous and playful, and having interesting, intelligent things to say.

Ditto. I was quite pleased to hear him being generous and playful, and having interesting, intelligent things to say.

Having watched that clip, I am now convinced that Pilkington is actually a character created by Andy Daly before he started going on Comedy Bang Bang.

This is pretty much what I strolled into comment-town to say. Of all the media I consume on my computer, I'd guess that less than 1 percent is stuff I'd actually be willing/able to pay for if it was completely unavailable to me online.

Pegg and Wright have been in L.A. working on the script in the past month.

I was way too young at the time to care who made the comics, but it makes total sense to me now that two of my all-time favorites, Rom and Micronauts, were from the same creative mind.

Not only that, she's the show runner, which means she's in charge of every aspect of the production. Which is why this argument is ridiculous and not worth commenting on anymore, in my opinion. Because the next step down the rabbit hole is endless threads about whether Gamble is a self-hating woman.

He was definitely wanted, dead or alive, because of what's become known as "The Singapore Situation."

None, at the present time. But back in my hair metal days, I owned the aforementioned gold albums "Bon Jovi" and "7800 Fahrenheit" before "Slippery When Wet" was even released. And I still consider the eponymous debut to be their finest work.