
I admittedly don't know the actual, original reason for the primary calendar being as spread out as it is. But it effectively allows lesser known candidates like Kasich and Sanders to have a chance to build momentum and raise money over time to compete with the big guys like Clinton, Trump etc. The argument is that if

Also, if Joe actually had an idol and he wanted to save himself from going home that night, he just had to play the idol, no bargaining with Mike required. Unless that was also a feeble attempt to save himself for that night and also get in good with the blue collar alliance?

Sorry Carrie, I didn't find Jenn's displeasure enjoyable at ALL. Her whining didn't come off as charming or funny. I just saw it as her entitled, mean-girl vibe that's been simmering all season finally boiling over. "I didn't get my way, and my fiend is gone and it's hard so I'm done with this, and everyone here is

I am shocked that Trevor Noah's twitter was something besides a compilation of his best, most polished and professional thoughts.

Sure, I guess someone's twitter can be indicative of the things they find funny, but it's not going to be an example of their best work. Twitter is (usually) a place for raw, unedited, non-workshopped material.

How about we judge a stand-up comedian by his stand up comedy and not by his tweets.

Also, on reality cooking competition shows like Chopped, the confessionals are used to explain to the non-chef viewers like myself how and why the chefs are doing what they're doing. It serves the same purpose as the "continuously describing what I'm doing while I'm cooking" thing folks like Rachel Ray do.

As a big Survivor fan, I do have to take issue with the use of a Survivor header photo, seeing, as others have pointed out, Survivor very much needs and makes good use of its confessionals. On a good season, there are so many layers of strategy and secret manipulation happening, the contestants rarely tell the whole

And of course Jessica Raine (Jules) was the psychic lady Emma in the Doctor Who episode "Hide", and original Doctor Who producer Verity Lambert in the super fun An Adventure in Space and Time!

Quick question/observation. Does that last tracking shot down the hallway towards the door imply that Ronnie is alive/dead/a zombie in the back room of his house/the house in which Carrie and Elena are currently staying? It's the same exact tracking shot as the beginning of the episode, but the way they continue

See it's interesting to consider being naked as a strategy to get MORE camera time. I remember reading Richard Hatch in an interview saying that a big reason that he was naked a lot was because he found that the camera guys were way less likely to follow you around as closely when you were naked. But maybe that's

I'm legitimately curious why anyone would announce you had the idol beforehand like Tony? Survivor watching noob me seems to think if you suspect that they're likely to vote out the strongest tribe member (as Tasha even flat out said they were planning to do) just keep quiet, figure out who they think the strongest

Really? You couldn't get invested in a child, already completely uprooted from everything she knows to be true taken away into the dark by a shadowy group of previously dead folks? Or a mother, so traumatized by the death of her child that when that child returns she's willing to be taken away from the rest of her

Someone explain to me why "having teeth" is a requirement for good comedy?
Or for that matter, why comedy has to have a point? That feels like such an old school way to think about it.
I really think kind of the whole point of Fallon's humor is that comedy can be lighthearted, and sure, sometimes pointless, but still

The Opening Ceremony sweaters may have been crazy (although I'll always be #TeamCardigan), Ralph Lauren really nailed the closing ceremony outfits (which we obviously have yet to see outside of Today Show hosted fashion shows).
That navy peacoat with the crazy red stripe and the awesome wintry sweater, looks super

As much as I love the Pink Panther, I'd be so embarrassed to skate to the Pink Panther Theme after a couple that WROTE AND RECORDED their own composition.

I, for one, am SHOCKED that a private American television company broadcasting to an American audience would focus mainly on American athletes in an international sports competition purposely pitting country against country. Definitely did not see that coming.

I get that Camille just got back from a great vacation or whatever but someone needs to tell her:
1) No one cares how you say "sweets for the children" in Italian and seriously why does she know that phrase?
2) Stop overcommitting to pronouncing Italian place names and dropping them in sentences so everyone knows how

Always nice to have my hometown (Saratoga) namechecked as the location of a semi-toxic waste dump site.

While I agree that it would be super boring if she was totally perfect, I'll counter your "that's what immature tentysomethings do!", with the fact that I'm 21, which I believe is how old Amber is supposed to be. So c'mon Amber. if I can figure all this out in a family which is MUCH less talky and emotion sharing, you