
Right. And that VYTAS is the one to say "ok, enough with the stories. Let's talk about trust and what's actually happening here".

I liked a lot in this episode, but I really can't get over how much I disagreed with basically everything Amber said or did. Her whole idea that Sarah needed to agree with her seemed completely off base. Basically the whole idea of being a good parent/spouse/sibling/friend/whatever, is that you may not agree with

The only (likely completely off-base) motivation I could think of for Tina to tattle so quickly tonight was perhaps to preemptively steer any conversation away from her or Katie. After tonight they're the only loved ones together correct? After all the talk on both tribes of trying to keep loved one alliances from

I think my favorite thing about this episode might have been the pronounced "pool noodle forlornly hitting the ground" sound effect as Kate realizes she might not be able to bring the fun to every situation. I'm probably wrong, but it sounded like foley, which makes me love that the show thought to add it in.

I'm showing my nerd here, but can we talk about how distracting it was that they basically just added a "felter" to the end of the very real and prominent political journalist Ezra Klein's name and then said it every three seconds?

I'd just like to officially come down solidly on the "Please dear god review this show every week" side of the issue.

Kevin! Very cool to hear that a fellow Wildcat (and fellow Kevin) will be reviewing (or did review, if this is a one time deal) The Sing Off!
As an a cappella nerd I'm pretty pumped for the new extended season of The Sing Off and hope it can pull itself together to succeed in its new format.
Also, I'm sure SigO