
Nope, at least, not the way I remember it, which was kid, maybe in a cowboy hat? lying on the ground.  Must retape and examine like Zapruda film.

I scrolled down to see if this was commented upon: didn't I see a brief shot of a kid who got killed during the raid?

Anyone find the twin dimples on Booth's ass cheeks alarming?

I must have blinked during this, or it was last season, but can anyone explain again where Rayland's secret sum of $20,000 came from??

Thanks for the tip to the graphic Youtube suicide video.

Most overused cliche: "I never said it was in the wall".

The shot of Doakes reappearance in the trailer could be a bad dream, or one of the incredible plot holes referenced in your "pretty fun" link, above.

The shot of Doakes reappearance in the trailer could be a bad dream, or one of the incredible plot holes referenced in your "pretty fun" link, above.

Can there really be a more idiotic line of dialogue than when Carrie, in answer to Peter's question, "How did you get away?", says, " I escaped"??  Followed by the most moronic character reaction, that he accepts that on face value??

Can there really be a more idiotic line of dialogue than when Carrie, in answer to Peter's question, "How did you get away?", says, " I escaped"??  Followed by the most moronic character reaction, that he accepts that on face value??

All the UPA animations have that mid to late 50s post modern impressionism.  They are and shall remain timeless.  This Chuck Jones short, while an MGM production, clearly shows UPS influence

All the UPA animations have that mid to late 50s post modern impressionism.  They are and shall remain timeless.  This Chuck Jones short, while an MGM production, clearly shows UPS influence

The trailers for The Master contained numerous cuts that never appeared in the movie.

The trailers for The Master contained numerous cuts that never appeared in the movie.

1.  Just killing the  VP is not a terrorist act, simply because it doesn't cause any terror.  The VP, who had a bad heart to begin with, dies of a heart attack.  Nazir has to be seen as responsible, and so far, Carrie is the only person who knows that.  Does that mean Nariz cannot kill her?

1.  Just killing the  VP is not a terrorist act, simply because it doesn't cause any terror.  The VP, who had a bad heart to begin with, dies of a heart attack.  Nazir has to be seen as responsible, and so far, Carrie is the only person who knows that.  Does that mean Nariz cannot kill her?

An inconsistency in the character:  much earlier in the series is was established that Holmes had no knowledge of facts a third grader would know (in the original story Watson is astonished that Holmes is ignorant of the fact that the earth revolves around the sun, which Holmes explains that he only wants his brain

An inconsistency in the character:  much earlier in the series is was established that Holmes had no knowledge of facts a third grader would know (in the original story Watson is astonished that Holmes is ignorant of the fact that the earth revolves around the sun, which Holmes explains that he only wants his brain

Has ANYONE put forth the idea that at least one of the Governor's true mission is to have sex with all the young, attractive women in the compound for the purpose of repopulating the earth? Screwing the wives of your acolytes is a time-honored tradition among cult leaders.

Has ANYONE put forth the idea that at least one of the Governor's true mission is to have sex with all the young, attractive women in the compound for the purpose of repopulating the earth? Screwing the wives of your acolytes is a time-honored tradition among cult leaders.