
I always thought that the Panic Room credits echo those in North By Northwest.

I always thought that the Panic Room credits echo those in North By Northwest.

Am I supposed to have recognized the assassin who took off his helmet???

Am I supposed to have recognized the assassin who took off his helmet???

Did the need to find 12 pendants remind anyone of the 7 horcruxes in Harry Potter (one of which was a locket)?

Did the need to find 12 pendants remind anyone of the 7 horcruxes in Harry Potter (one of which was a locket)?

That statement that Sherlock can only take in so much information is right out of Study in Scarlet, the story in which Sherlock and Watson meet, and Watson is astonished that Sherlock appears to know nothing of astronomy, including so basic a fact as that the earth moves about the sun.

That statement that Sherlock can only take in so much information is right out of Study in Scarlet, the story in which Sherlock and Watson meet, and Watson is astonished that Sherlock appears to know nothing of astronomy, including so basic a fact as that the earth moves about the sun.

When Walter begins to list the people left "in their wake", I half expected him to slip and say Jane; as it is, he fails to take into account all the people killed in the crash.  Meanwhile, that blue ribbon is still on Saul's lapel, lest we forget.  Look for big trouble if that single pink bear's eyeball should

When Walter begins to list the people left "in their wake", I half expected him to slip and say Jane; as it is, he fails to take into account all the people killed in the crash.  Meanwhile, that blue ribbon is still on Saul's lapel, lest we forget.  Look for big trouble if that single pink bear's eyeball should

I always thought the talking dog show was Wilfred, also a UK transplant.  I fail to see anything amusing in that show.

I always thought the talking dog show was Wilfred, also a UK transplant.  I fail to see anything amusing in that show.

This cold open takes place one year in the future, as per the birthday bacon arranged as the number 52.

This cold open takes place one year in the future, as per the birthday bacon arranged as the number 52.

Which then brings up the possibility that Todd, as a licensed bonded exterminator, may have his prints in the system as well.

Which then brings up the possibility that Todd, as a licensed bonded exterminator, may have his prints in the system as well.

The jar with the spider?  Todd's fingerprints all over it.  Also, the bug in Hank's office has Walter's fingerprints all over it.

The jar with the spider?  Todd's fingerprints all over it.  Also, the bug in Hank's office has Walter's fingerprints all over it.

Mistake of Walt's: left his fingerprints all over the bugging devices left in Hank's office.  Also: told Sky the truth about where he was going.

Mistake of Walt's: left his fingerprints all over the bugging devices left in Hank's office.  Also: told Sky the truth about where he was going.