
Running around all day in those boots? He should have put a few mints in there before he took them off.

Why did Nora think she'd make Idiot Boy safer by having him wait until the last possible moment to "Run!", thus insuring that he'd get a look at his vampire mom? Shouldn't "run away immediately!" been her first instruction?

A whole week before the conclusive opinions? How generous of spirit. How about we give it six months at a minimum.

We know Alison and Noah were we a cabana together at the end because the last shot shows those big 1-6 digits, and we saw number 5 when they went in the room.

I wasn't clear, but I didn't use quotation marks. Perhaps it would have been better said that "Everything that matters about you is inside" and then asked inside what? The inside of the pamphlet is an assumption; it's like those greeting cards that don't open and the message is on the back.

The first time I saw guys fighting with their junk out was in the brilliant steam bath scene in the brilliant Eastern Promises. However, I am rewatching the entire Oz series, and they had way more frontal male nudity of all kinds. That said, how can you not remember that it was a guy with his junk out that had the

Just to review: you see this boulder sized lump in your lung?  We're going to take that out.

"Shut up!  Shut up!  Shut up!  Shut up!"  Must be one of those in family expressions.

Your Emmy must be in special effects for the CGI job on Holly's mouth. And I saw a Sierra Madre ending in which the lotto ticket gets lost, or an earthquake fault opens and the money falls into it. This was much better. I'm thinking the ricin is reserved for Pinkman.

Frank "expertly" covered up the murder?  How, by avoiding drowning him in the fish tank only t o drown him in tap water, which no way is going to match pond water?  By handcuffing him to the wheel which, rather than pointing toward suicide instead points to murder?  They would have been better off cutting him into

Am I dating myself when I say I laughed out loud when Saul called Jesse Mr. Natural?   R. Crumb?  Anyone?  And we do know the house won't burn down due to the flash forward, which robs the scene of tension. And anyone catch the callback to poor little Tommy in the form of a tarantula?

Now I don't feel so stupid coming away from the pilot confused: Brendan was cuffed to the wheel, not stuffed in the trunk.  Should we know who that is yet?

I thought he was vomiting into Marvin's father's watch collection; wasn't he in that house??

And still no explanation of the cut of Debra passing a book to Joe in his cell.  Did I imagine that?

I've seen better security at a Dead concert than they did at that gym; they are called magnotometers, folks.  And who allowed someone access to the main power control?

This movie is so lazy that they never explain how the presidential motorcade suffers a horrible accident [five minutes into the  movie].  It sure looked like one of those now cliche accidents in which someone is deliberately t boned by a truck and the audience can see the vehicle seconds before it hits the target

Most highly rated Tuesday show since November.  We should all dig our own eyes out.

When I saw Hannah start to count things, I thought, Oh, this is her trying to experience OCD for the blog [which she probably hasn't the time for, given how much she appears to be devoting to the book, although we never see that, either].

whats up with the sound??

I view this more as a question of tone than anything else.  Hitchcock's movies almost always had humor to play off the tension; most Twilight Zones episodes, at least the ones mentioned above, do not.  So I would say that was the most direct parallel between the TZ and the AHH.