
In the Season 5 episode "The Tale of the Dead Man's Float", the new inductee Stig was rejected, but they decided to give him another chance two episodes later.

If you want some good fox-related music, try the song "Mr. Fox" by the band Mr. Fox from their album Mr. Fox.

Is it even worse than Bono's hip-hop cover of "Hallelujah"?

NO is nitric oxide. Nitrous oxide is N2O.

And of course there's always:

According to this blog post:

"The Phantom Menace faces the impossible task of fulfilling the tremendous expectations of a huge audience that seems equally willing to crucify it or deify it . . . it is, after all, only a movie, and a pretty good one at that."

If they go by the Swedish alphabet they can call the sequel World War Å.

@avclub-3c23902822283144c09d87f123545c87:disqus @avclub-b85d65c39e12a5515c19fd72b6f48199:disqus According to the Internet, a lifetime pass is a ticket that, once purchased, gives the purchaser permanent access to America's national parks and federal recreational lands.

I thought that in "The River" he was specifically asked to get stranded in the damn woods again by the military so they could learn his survival techniques.  I don't know what his excuse was for the other three books, though.

Wasn't he already in Torchwood?

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus  It's this:


Casablanca should have been in teal and orange.

The worst part is that they didn't even get it right.  Everybody knows that the letter ! denotes an alveolar click.

I seem to recall that in Pitchfork Media's "Top 200 songs of the 60s" list they said that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the original punk song.

Blond hair is a recessive trait.  If Homer has one brown gene and one blond gene and Marge has one blue gene and one blond gene then Homer and Marge will have brown and blue hair respectively, but they can still have offspring with blond hair.

Looks like they're staying.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus I tried Googling Scott Tobias for that purpose.  It turned up some . . . uh . . . interesting results.

The title makes more sense in the context of special relativity.  If the two exorcisms are separated by a space-like interval then each of them can be considered last in a different reference frame.