
Moonrise Kingdom

Just once I'd like to see a TV show about a film crew making a movie about a novelist writing a book about a broadway theater troupe performing a musical about a punk rock band whose songs are all about painting.

Angela and Hodgins did get back together and they had a baby a year before Booth and Brennan had their baby.  But Hodgins isn't rich anymore because an evil hacker drained his accounts while simultaneously reprogramming a predator drone to attack a school in Afghanistan.  Hodgins saw that his account was being hacked

I don't know, @avclub-d69768b3da745b77e82cdbddcc8bac98:disqus , 101 Dalmatians has a scene where they all put on blackface and pretend to be Labradors.  That sounds pretty unenlightened if you ask me.

That would be Scott Tobias.

And Reservoir Dogs is basically Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Mr. Blonde is Happy, Mr. White is Dopey, Mr. Blue is Sleepy, Mr. Pink is Grumpy, Mr. Brown is Sneezy, Mr. Orange is Bashful and Nice Guy Eddie is Doc.  Oh, and the cop who gets his ear cut off is Snow White.

Don't forget Jonathan Coulton's "Chiron Beta Prime".

Don't forget Jonathan Coulton's "Chiron Beta Prime".

I believe the correct term is "Deus ex aquilā".

I believe the correct term is "Deus ex aquilā".

Mahler got away with it in his eighth symphony.

Mahler got away with it in his eighth symphony.

If you want a song that combines Warren Zevon with "Sweet Home Alabama" you might try this instead:

If you want a song that combines Warren Zevon with "Sweet Home Alabama" you might try this instead:

Of course! I knew all those people who claim to like "Reefer Madness" ironically were secretly hardcore straight-edge anti-drug crusaders!

Of course! I knew all those people who claim to like "Reefer Madness" ironically were secretly hardcore straight-edge anti-drug crusaders!

Your second interpretation "lik[ing] a thing for reasons other than the 'intended' reasons" is definitely something that people do.  When people watch "The Room" or listen to "Friday" it's not because they genuinely think Tommy Wiseau is a good filmmaker or that Rebecca Black is a good singer.  It is because they are

Your second interpretation "lik[ing] a thing for reasons other than the 'intended' reasons" is definitely something that people do.  When people watch "The Room" or listen to "Friday" it's not because they genuinely think Tommy Wiseau is a good filmmaker or that Rebecca Black is a good singer.  It is because they are

The new sincerity is something that is best appreciated ironically.

The new sincerity is something that is best appreciated ironically.