
I thought the joke was that one of them just said "abortion" but the other said "get an abortion" so they technically said different things.

Actually, Spike smokes the same fictional brand of cigarettes as the cigarette-smoking man in The X-Files and Mulder and Scully appeared in an episode of The Simpsons, so the Simpsonverse and the Buffyverse are the same universe. So the leprechaun is pretty inexcusable.

If they do another hotel detective song it should be called "She Will Have Been a Hotel Detective in the Future Perfect".

They Might Be Giants:

This thread reminds me of the following video:

It's actually a fairly common name among the !Kung people of northern Namibia.

I thought Ursula was supposed to be modeled off of Divine.

No. That was Maggie Walsh.

How dare you insult Tarzan's Greatest Adventure and Tarzan Goes to India! And to dismiss Tarzan's Three Challenges without even watching it?! For shame!

-If a guy with an unusual name shoots a guy after listing off a series of statistics and fun facts to explain why he's justified in shooting him, its Brian K. Vaughan.

The term "Homo superior" actually originated with Olaf Stapledon's 1935 novel Odd John.

Where's my hovercraft?!?
Where's my jetpack?!?
Where's the font of acquired wisdom that eludes me now?!?

Coppola's Dracula is a lot better if you watched dubbed into French without any subtitles. At least that's the case if you don't speak French.

What's with the one-word adjective fairy tale titles? The titles "Tangled", "Frozen" and "Brave" are a bit forgettable, especially when you could use the original titles of "Rapunzel", "The Snow Queen" and "Brother Bear".

Up: A XXX Parody

Homer: But wait. You can't kill me for being Krusty. I'm not him. I'm Homer Simpson.
Fat Tony: The same Homer Simpson who crashed his car through the wall of our club?
Homer: Uh… actually my name is Barney. Yeah, Barney Gumble.
Legs: The same Barney Gumble who keeps taking pictures of my sister?
Homer: Uh… actually my

I had heard that "Kumbaya" was how you say "Come By Here" in the Gullah dialect of South Carolina.  The Gullah dialect was spoken by the descendants of African slaves and, as such, was deemed sufficiently "African" for the writer of the song. So you're both right and there's no need to keep fighting over this.  Can't

Funny you should bring that up because, in the video for Guano Apes' nü-metal cover of "Kumbaya", they take potshots at mimes and "Kumbaya" at the same time.

Hold off there, man!  "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" is awesome when it's sung to the tune of "The Mary Ellen Carter"!

Here's an 11-minute video of somebody giving a negative review to "Eenie Meenie Miney Moe":