Blue Haired Lawyer

I love when people use the word "inexplicable"
and then proceed to give a perfectly explicable explanation.

Mistletoe alert…

And Colin Firth?

What Would Top The List Of Holiday Entertainments That Do Make You Wanna Claw Your Eyes Out In Rage?
Michael Bolton's Christmas Record?

Someone mentioned Olive, the Other Reindeer before and I get the feeling that thing is just way too easily dismissed and, thus, regrettably underseen. Olive, the Other Reindeer melts even the iciest of hearts, folks! Give it a chance!

The UK Office Christmas Specials
is the most egregious omission I can think of. How has nobody mentioned this and why did it take me this long to mention this?

The Chipmunks
I guess they fall under the wanting to claw your eyes out in rage umbrella, huh? Too bad.

Also, you get to see Laura Linney's boobs

Love Actually
I understand that everyone here is at least a little dead inside, but this movie is just delightful, okay? Bill Nighy rocks the shit out of Christmas.

"Oh Zooey Deschanel, Oh Zooey Deschanel/
Why Won't You Sit On My Face?"

Jingle All The Way?
Turbo Man!

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Didn't that take place at Christmas? I definitely remember Michelle Monaghan in a low cut Christmas themed outfit of some kind

I have no idea how young Fairuza Balk managed to grow up into old Fairuza Balk; because if I had starred in that nightmarish mindfuck Return to Oz movie when I was ten years old, I would have completely lost my shit and gone insane

Christopher Walken and Christmas is an odd mix

Elf isn't horrible and it doesn't make me wanna claw my eyes out in rage. I'm glad USA or whatever now plays it on a 24 hour loop every Christmas because it makes me smile.

I would've appreciated a Kwanzaa Bot or Hanukkah Zombie shout out

30 Rock's "Ludachristmas" was pretty great, too
Wouldn't be a Lemon party without old Dick!

No love for The Ref?!
Major oversight in not including The Ref, AV Club

I know this has been covered in exhaustive detail already, but I think Maggie Gylenhaal is pretty attractive

Zodiac Motherfucker: Great AV Club Member… or The Greatest AV Club Member