Blue Haired Lawyer

I'm 19 and I think ZMF is funny, but I don't know where I'd put him on your arbitrary scale, because his performances definitely vary in their ownosity from night to night. I don't think he'll ever top the interview he gave in that one Taste Test feature.

Right, because the geek who's fucking throwing out left field Dick Tracy references doesn't know that Steve fucking Ditko wasn't an artist for Batman when you're the fucking assbutt who couldn't tell that Aaron Eckhart's face was half cartoon.

Yeah, but Tommy Lee Jones' delivery of "Why won't you die?!" makes that movie

Secret Success to the highest fucking degree

Raising Arizona/Evil Dead II
is a dynamite double feature. How come my local theater is currently showing Delgo instead of fucking Raising Arizona?

Killer fucking Croc is realistic as fuck, but that's beside the point. Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul aren't realistic on the page, but Nolan still brought 'em down to Earth.

Long Halloween and Dark Victory are second only to The Dark Knight Returns in Bat-Comic fantasticness. BUT, if I wanted a fucking comic book come to life, I'd pop in fucking Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy. I realize The Dark Knight is based on a comic book, but Nolan's definitely going for a relatively realistic approach

I respect Nathan Rabin
for coming on here and saying he likes fucking Boat Trip because that couldn't have been a fucking easy thing to do

Yeah I've seen the comic book version of fucking Two Face, but The Joker in The Dark Knight sure as shit didn't look like fucking Steve Ditko drew him so why the fuck does Two Face have to look so fake and take me out of "the moment" and whatnot?

Hey, I didn't realize you guys fucks with John Hodgman?
Oh, wait, that's just some dude holding a taxidermy squirrel in a strikingly John Hodgman-esque way.

Yes, the moment. I have no idea what you're calling me out on here. Do you legitimately not know what I mean or is that not a common and universal enough expression for your hipster ass to process or are you just being a penis-face?

NAthan mentions it like every week, but
My favorite thing about Mindy Kaling (and I guess BJ Novak) is that she's a writer on The Office and her character is easily one of the two or three more detestable people on the show.

Joe's Apartment
Joe's Apartment is my guiltiest pleasure.

looked stupid. Almost ruined the movie for me, totally takes you out of the moment.

Are you tasting the wit yet?

Well, he directed one of the five greatest TV shows ever and one of the top five movies of 2003 but he definitely did not make the best film of 2007

I meant to say that I came in *my* pants, but I think the way I said it was funny anyway

I just came in pants thinking about how ridiculously awesome the Michael Nyman score for Ravenous was


Totz Jr, go guzzle a gigantic milkshake from Daniel Day Lewis' balls, all right? First of all, the last scene in Boogie Nights is fucking Raging Bull, not Taxi Driver. And second of all, no, Robert Altman is a fucking cinematic God and PTA has made two very good movies and one very very good movie. So, yeah, scarf