
Woah, huge slam on anteaters!

That needs like eight more exclamation points.

Hugely underrated line from this episode, nice pull.

I was dead center of the audience for Chelsea's set and laughing my fucking head off. The crowd sounded lively from where I was; I had no idea why she was scolding the audience beyond the empty seats in the front (which were filled after 5 minutes).

I usually love Pete, but this week's episode was kinda frustrating. For how much he talks about presence on YMIW, he seemed as detached and distracted as humanly possible (to the point where I now wonder if it was a bit… an exhausting, directionless bit)

This week's episode was so completely dominated by the "Avengers assemble! I pooped and peed in here A MONTH AGO" riff train that not only do I not remember any other part of the episode, I think I've forgotten how to ride a bicycle

This week's episode was so completely dominated by the "Avengers assemble! I pooped and peed in here A MONTH AGO" riff train that not only do I not remember any other part of the episode, I think I've forgotten how to ride a bicycle

It's absurd that an article about advertising within podcasts did not mention this champion of pod/ad partnering. Unthinkable, even. Nathan, your penis is going to Dick Jail.

It's absurd that an article about advertising within podcasts did not mention this champion of pod/ad partnering. Unthinkable, even. Nathan, your penis is going to Dick Jail.

I believe the story was You Made It Weird was originally going to be hosted by both Pete and Chelsea, but Chelsea bailed because the drive to the studio sucks. Taking calls can be done at her house instead of having to drive somewhere.

I believe the story was You Made It Weird was originally going to be hosted by both Pete and Chelsea, but Chelsea bailed because the drive to the studio sucks. Taking calls can be done at her house instead of having to drive somewhere.

Tig was easily the highlight of the episode, and you're so crankypants it's more like a cranky-onesie

Tig was easily the highlight of the episode, and you're so crankypants it's more like a cranky-onesie

Am I just experiencing a very specific form of deja-vu, or has that EXACT writeup been used for a past MBMBaM episode?

Am I just experiencing a very specific form of deja-vu, or has that EXACT writeup been used for a past MBMBaM episode?

@buttermoths Unless I'm misunderstanding you, "chirpy" and "in your face" are about as far from "passive-aggressive" as you can possibly get…

@buttermoths Unless I'm misunderstanding you, "chirpy" and "in your face" are about as far from "passive-aggressive" as you can possibly get…

"First-time guest Tom Martin" - I can't tell if this is ill-conceived wordplay or just a mistake, but Tom Martin was actually the guest on the very first Todd Glass Show.

"First-time guest Tom Martin" - I can't tell if this is ill-conceived wordplay or just a mistake, but Tom Martin was actually the guest on the very first Todd Glass Show.

It's such a specific reference, and so specifically incorrect, you'd almost think it was a joke!