
It's such a specific reference, and so specifically incorrect, you'd almost think it was a joke!

It's like mainlining magic.

It's like mainlining magic.

Reading through this feature months out of date. I think it's funny that the continuous shot from indoors to outdoors here garners glowing praise for the cinematographer (not that it's undeserved), whereas Children of Men got an article shaming it for being too masturbatory.

No such thing as too smug or too clever for the AV Club. Especially too smug.

No such thing as too smug or too clever for the AV Club. Especially too smug.

Just wondering, is there any particular reason MBMBaM was reviewed… once? twice? and then dropped? I thought it was really funny this week, more so than listening to Samm Levine almost SCREAM about the Hunger Games for the second or third time.

Come on. There's a huge range of possible reactions between heckling and delusional fanaticism. Let's not be disingenuous.

I'm convinced there are few things better than Rory Scovel running wild with a Todd Glass premise. Rory panicking and naming ridiculous dinosaurs until Todd had to scream to get him to stop was fucking magic.

It was indeed really nice to hear PFT drop the facade and open up. However, I feel like it's a little disrepectful / voyeuristic/creepy to speculate about something so personal :/