
I can't wait to see what bit Scott Aukerman will have prepared this year… though it'll be hard to beat the insane vampire cooking show he did a couple years ago.

I was full-blown insanely into Deerhoof and their constant self-reinvention for all of high school and most of college before finally falling off the wagon with, I think, either Friend Opportunity or Offend Maggie. I'm sure they're not bad records but the magic stopped showing up for me around then.

That first episode of Beautiful/Anonymous is really something. Gethard is a master of being empathetic without being patronizing, and the climax of the call as the clock ticks down is just fucking wonderful.

Then you're our fact-checking cuz.

I never understood the appeal of this band at all. Then again, I had the luxury of hearing Mclusky before this, which takes some shine off. Mclusky did everything better than Art Brut, is what I'm saying.

An all-time great, in my mercurial and untrustworthy opinion. This album has permanent residence in my car alongside Blueberry Boat and Random Spirit Lover.

I love that Hey Jude is both the most and least skippable song starting with H.

His appearances on Go Bayside! are great. Also every appearance on Never Not Funny, if you haven't heard those yet.

Total Eclipse of the Heart is great, but the far superior relentlessly-insane key-change-a-palooza rock opera penned by Jim Steinman is Tonight Is What It Means to Be Young by Fire, Inc. It changes key 5 or 6 times and gets more deliriously major every time.

Saw this being played on Game Grumps and was charmed instantly. A lovely game.

So shocking! This is only the seventieth wacky Taylor Swift mashup covered here so far. (And it's a less interesting concept than the similar Aphex Twin mix album that David Rees made a few months ago)

Imagine Dragons are pretty unobjectionable imho. They're the Foo Fighters of the 2010s, a few good songs surrounded by kinda middling samey anthems.

"Mind Blowing Movie Thought Experiments" with Cracked writers bullshitting about Pulp Fiction and quantum mechanics? Yikes. I can't think of anything I'd like to listen to less.

There's very little meat in these gym mats.

Steve Winwood - Higher Love

Boy, last week's Doug Loves Movies in Sacramento… I'm pleasantly (?) surprised Doug didn't edit out his uncomfortable snapping at that audience member who guessed Amy Adams, and it's good he realized pretty quickly that trying to get her to come up on stage as a form of public shaming was taking it way too far. But

Dollop listeners — can we talk about how fuckin' great Clifford Clinton is?