
At Fox, Megyn would play high-profile interviews straight, asking some challenging questions to conservative guests. Obviously, this made her a standout at the network, and non-regular Fox viewers who tuned in would shower her with praise for breaking from the channel's mindset.

Lasse Hallstrom directed this? He should have known that the first rule of the Cider House is to stay away from dog reincarnation movies.

He wrote several songs and appeared in the film because it was his production company that made it. Maybe he thought that his contributions could save the film from being a studio-destroying failure.

Nominated, but didn't win, Emmys for his Super Bowl halftime show and HBO concert special from Madison Square Garden.

I think one's affection for that movie is directly tied to one's ability to pronounce "Secaucus" and "Moonachie" correctly.

One pound box?! Two pound box?! Maybe the five pound JUMBO bag?!?!?!

He has a bit role in what is widely regarded to be the best episode of Big Love, "Come, Ye Saints." As the family is traveling cross-country, he is a fellow tourist who confronts one of the young daughters about the Mormon church. It was very different than the sly good humor he used playing Mack.

I always liked the little turnabout in the episode where they introduce Boosler's character. Everyone humors her and puts up with her obnoxious behavior because they assume it's a reaction to her frustration about losing her sight.

I stand corrected.

Women in baseball trivia: It's been mostly lost to time, but in the famous song that's still played during the seventh-inning stretch, it is a woman who is pleading to be taken out to the ballgame.

I believe that's Tracy Reiner, daughter of the director and Rob.

A week from Saturday, the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. will be honoring the 25th anniversary of the "Homer at the Bat" episode.There will be an exhibit and a panel discussion with people who worked on the show and a few of the player guest stars.

This will go badly. She's on a show right now where she's able to able to spit out grade-school right-wing platitudes and insults with three other people (and a whole network) supporting her every utterance.

I love the simple scene where McCarthy's character first comes to the school and meets with the principal, Brother Thaddeus (Donald Sutherland). McCarthy is nervous and keeps calling him "Sir" instead of "Brother Thaddeus," which is what he wants. Sutherland keeps correcting him quietly, but firmly and McCarthy really

I enjoyed Fry's low-key BBC series where he traveled to each of the 50 states. I would have preferred for him to use a little of that background rather than playing a foreign caricature.

"Ya had me lie to Johnny Carson?!?!?!?!"

"And you, my friend, did not get that nose bobbing for apples."

Ellen Foley, too.

Also, "Grampa" Al Lewis from The Munsters.

"Music critics like Elvis Costello because music critics look like Elvis Costello." —-David Lee Roth