
It confused me too, but I suppose it probably wasn't public that she and Andrew had actually reconciled, so it looks like Selina fired Helena for having an affair with the husband that Selina broke up with more than a decade earlier.

Of course not! Don't be ridiculous!

Seems like the goal this week was to throw as many potential viral videos out there as possible to give Fallon a way to reverse the media narrative about Colbert overtaking him.

We had a contractor do a major remodel for our house and he kept saying that his wife "does some painting" and could take care of that when the construction was done. We politely declined several times even as he noted that her price would be lower than what we'd pay hiring a painter.

She opted for softer victim shades in her makeup for this interview as opposed to her typically harsh stag-film look.

The demographic group that opposes single-payer health care most vehemently is people 65 and older. In other words, the people who receive single-payer health care and would storm Washington, D.C. if any aspect of it were diminished.

Will we get an Uncle Floyd feature during New Jersey Week?

WPIX was owned by the Tribune Company, but they changed the name and command to match that station's call letters. It probably happened in every market at one point or another, but my greatest TVPixx memory was when the kid wasn't home and his Mom had to play the game for him.

The morning after the last episode of The Sopranos, the question I was asking was "Did you see that Meadow's future mother-in-law was played by Donna Pescow?!" Everyone else had a different question.

In her autobiography, 'Tis Herself, Maureen O'Hara talks lovingly about John Candy and the time they spent together making Only the Lonely. She was a stickler for on-set professionalism and is tough on a lot of other people in the book. But she praised Candy's commitment to being an actor rather than just a "funnyman"

It's just a small line in Searching for Bobby Fischer, but the way she quietly dispatches Ben Kingsley's officious chess teacher is perfect. Kingsley wants the prodigy son of Allen and Joe Mantegna to stop playing chess against the guys who hang out in Washington Square Park. Mantegna's character is more than willing

You need John Mahoney here.

A couple of years after the first Home Alone was released, but before John Hughes died, I think Spy magazine wrote a critical story about Hughes and his movies. The story focused on the films' formulaic nature and casual cruelty, but what I remember best is how, leading up to the release of Home Alone, Hughes made a

It bothers me less because Harry and Marv gawk at how rich the McAllisters are and how, even in a well-to-do neighborhood, their house is the "silver tuna." Wealthy people with lots of money for things do exist. What irks me is when films and TV shows have characters living a lavish lifestyle without acknowledging

"Kids are resilient like that."

From the description, Welles and Kaufman are almost certainly talking about Latka's segment in "The Road Not Taken," which was the fourth of the two-part "pickup" episodes, that Taxi used to end each season.

Ya got a problem with Classy Freddie Blassie, you pencil-necked geek?

Kaufman had the same type of appealing innocence in a special where Buffalo Bob Smith brought Howdy Doody on. While they were making the show, Buffalo Bob assumed it was a gag, and goofed it up both on and off the air, making wisecracks, etc.

This is the point that needs to be made when people defend him along the lines of,"Well, everyone knew he's a lying scumbag and elected him anyway."

Step out of your Comfort Zone..into an Even More Comfort Zone.