
I always find that saggy pants often inhibit another part of many of these students' lives: running from the cops. You can't really run from the cops with the crotch of your pants at your knees.

I was always a fan of how they got Homer's brain out with an iced cream scoop.

That's all well and good, Mr. Immyowngrandfather (bitchin name, bt-dub)

That Marshall line was incredibly affecting and I say that as somebody who lost their father in the last 5 years. Plus Lilly tossing the keys way off target was a near perfect tension breaker.

Plus, when the chemical bath takes the ice of his legs, there is no remnants of the guy's pants. How did Batman get his pants off before the ice?

Hey, Oliver!

I agree, Michael. That is one of the best exchanges in the history of the show.

And how much do you guys bench?

That "Lovely Pet" picture seriously had me laughing until my abs hurt and I couldn't see through my tears.

Martin Prince?
Nelson Muntz?
Jub Jub?

You are all forgetting the most critical part of this movie!! Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis totally lez out! I don't know to what extent, but it has titillated my interest in this movie to a point where I might even see it opening weekend!

Wow, I just realized that syntax is quite confusing…
Maybe I need watch some more Canadian Grammar shows.

The show is called "2 and a Half" which is 15/16 more man than the original title, thus making that a successful fat joke.

I disagree. Although these are all very good games, I believe that Donkey Kong is the best game ever. (I can't believe nobody caught Bronsonman's reference waaaaay back toward the top)

Agreed, Todd.

Really? Pretentious much?

Nobody's made a tossed salad comment yet? I'm disappointed.

@ Casket and 20Roth

Amen, Shaggy Dog.

I thought the dinosaurs all died because you all keep touching yourselves at night.