
Tosh has a way of inserting himself in the absurdity of these web phenomenons that isn't necessarily scripted. I couldn't stop laughing when he did the "Milk Gallon Challenge" with that guy who puked on the morning news show. Or when he did both the Cinnamon and the Saltine challenge simultaneously and then tried

You are correct, Sir!

What about Bernie Mac for doing "Soul Men?"

Damn straight, Morgandorffer! Why the hell isn't Boobah on this list? It was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the title of this inventory.

I got your steamed, non-dairy whitener right here, baby.

I think we all can agree that the only color that really matters is green. Have you checked out how fucked up poor families are regardless of race?

The reason they keep churning out schlock like this is because it makes money.

I don't view these things as snobbery, more like education. These things are meant to expand your knowledge base. I, for one, am going to seek out this "Graveyard for Fireflies" and probably get around to actually watching "Mad Max."

Leave it to The AV Club to make me feel uncultured….

I actually had never even heard of any movie on this list until Mad Max. And I just know the basic information for that one. Have never actually seen it. So I was 0-21 on this list.

Yeah, we needed 16 paragraphs to truly drive home the point! I'll steal a line from the hater: Some writers beat a dead horse, others write 14 paragraph punchlines.

Raul Julia was an awesome Gomez Addams too. It's a shame that he died so shortly after Street Fighter. Kind of like a life ending in a whimper; similar to Bernie Mac croaking shortly after Soul Men.

Am I the only one that remember Cage's awesome performance in "Valley Girl?" Maybe I just remember the red mohawak.

Cameron Diaz has
been getting progressively uglier ever since The Mask. I'm sorry, but either she stopped eating, got a nose job, or started hanging out with the Olsen Twins, but she's got to stop. She was so hot in The Mask.

I'm more upset that Tom Cruise didn't….oh wait, everything is in the right place…

Making her uncomfortable must be quite an accomplishment. Given the fact she co-starred with Dane Cook for an entire movie.

Night Owl
I went as Night Owl for my awesome gaming experience and was it me or did it seem like he was a combination of Robin and Hank Hill?

Both leave you with a sense of guilt


Ah yes, the inevitable Simpson's reference that appears in every AV Club thread……