
The storybook in the Library of the first Super Mario Galaxy springs to mind with this. Absolutely no purpose in actually completing the game, but tells a hauntingly beautiful story of a lonely princess.

Super Metriod doesn't really fit this mold because any room that appears pointless or "dead" contained some kind of power-up that was useful. Even the Wrecked Ship was a bevy of missile upgrades and shortcuts once the power came back on.

One of my favorites is the use of "Rocket Man" from an early episode of Nip/Tuck. The one where Megan O'Hara commits suicide and Sean is there to watch. Gut-Wrenching…

There was also one called "Gay, Straight, or Taken." Where a girl had to choose between three guys. One was gay, one was single, the other was in a long-term relationship. The point was to pick the single one and if the girl guess wrong, the guy she picked got prizes for them and their partners. The deceptions were

And just like that, suddenly Google searches on "Marfan syndrome" increase by 10,000%

Heard your sister's going out with SQUEAK!

Mine got split in half by a Chipotle and then the other half became a Mattress Firm…

Those are some of my favorite store signs. There's one of those liquor stores in a town by me where they were easy going about the name and figured they'd save a few bucks on the sign. I also saw a similar sign for a black lady hair salon. It was glorious.

But some of Kanye's lyrics are inherently misogynistic. For example, "Blood on the Leaves" essentially compares women trying to trap men to the lynchings of the early 20th century. Kind of extreme imagery. But the way it is mixed and sampled, mixing Nina Simone's version of "Strange Fruit" throughout, the builds to a

And don't forget that in Earthbound, you had to watch two performances of "The Runaway Five."

You've obviously never heard the song, "Pants" by Here Come the Mummies…

You've obviously never heard the song, "Pants" by Here Come the Mummies…

Every season has weak episodes and anybody who calls this season weak has no bearing on statistics.  There are still 11 episodes and there were some weak episodes in season 15 (i.e. Funnybot, T.M.I, and History Channel Thanksgiving).  So lets wait a few more weeks before we decry this as a weak season….

Liz: Kenneth, do you have a second?
Kenneth: No, there's only one of me.

Did you really just put a Spoiler Alert for an episode of Spongebob Squarepants?  Really?  Like somebody was going to feel like they were cheated out of entertainment for an old episode of Spongebob Squarepants.  I think we would have survived without the Spoiler Alert.

At the very least, he's interesting looking.

I was trying to explain that episode to a friend of mine and I had to utter the sentence: "And then the porcupine was going to give birth to the Antichrist." At which point I realized that some things can't be stranger than fiction and that I truly loved that episode.

OOOOooooh!  Suck on my salty chocolate balls (put em in your mouth).

That was the whole reason to watch the last season of Nip/Tuck.  It's official Jump the Shark was the Teddy Bear murdering agent that stabbed Sean.  And the funniest part was that "Teddy Bear murdering agent that stabbed Sean" wasn't the most fucked up thing on that show after they moved to L.A.

I would think you'd be more interested in their reproductive cycles.