Morgan C. Hoax

filth flarn
I think you're exactly right. Abrams seems to be keen on loading up the cast on people that "the kids" like in a desperate bid to make it seem hip. Between that and the "LOL THEY ALL MEET AT STARFLEET ACADEMY" plot I've heard about, this sounds like it's going shoot itself in the foot trying to be edgy and

yes mad
That is a .gov address. It's good to know the Bush administration is concentrating on the important issues, like guilting kids into thinking sex is dirty and bad and will kill you, so that when they finally do give in to the frustration, they'll be sure to not have any kind of protection whatsoever and thus

Like I needed another reason to hate JJ Abrams.

well hated, hater
"… like an angry, magical frog" made me laugh far more than it should have.

this may be an unpopular opinion
But I don't see how it's impossible for someone with any reasonable amount of exposure to pop culture to be able to watch the promos for a show and not get a pretty good idea of whether or not it sucks. If nothing in the promo is remotely amusing, that's not a good sign. The presence

Well said. Despite the level of prick-waving and attention whoring that goes on in a lot of threads, there's also some really intelligent discussion, and I think it's important not to drive off those people by letting trolls run wild.

Legface, re: Oasis
I certainly won't be one of those people. I'm already embarrassed about them.

viva laughlin
Yet another example of American TV producers taking an idea the British did much better and making it completely unwatchable. Congratulations.

i heart the hater
Aw, is everyone done with their dick-waving? I was enjoying that.

Who's Lucy Lui? Is she Italian?

don west
Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look.

i'm not sure what's more annoying…
The people who always show up in this column to accuse Amelie of perpetual eye-rolling hipper-than-thou douchebaggery, or… no, actually, I think they annoy me most of all.

i think you mean…
Doctor Who's Christopher Eccleston.

oh yeah?
Well I won several spelling bees! Which, in hindsight, may have contributed to my delusion that minor academic triumphs are at all relevant to… well, anything ever.

faithful? hardly.
Other commenters have already pointed out the flaws in that assertion, so I'm just going to say that when I watched it for the first time a few years ago, I expected much more from it than a campy (albeit high-budget) bloodsucker flick.

the stone roses?
I'm not sure how to feel about that.

i'm a fan of sugary pop
But this is just terrible.

hey 'ugh'
Is it dark in that there closet?

I think it's just you and me.

a great american patriot
My new favourite poster here.