Morgan C. Hoax

Wow, somebody's mom must have packed peanut butter instead of bologna in his lunch today.

I'll have you know, standing around with my arms folded and scoffing is a hobby of mine.

People actually still watch this show?

I nearly danced with vindictive glee when Victoria got booted. Bitch has been irking me all season with her eye rolling and passive-aggressive snottiness, not to mention her obvious hatred of women's bodies.

Don't be ridiculous, Erik; that's what abortions are for.

well hated, hater
If you can find her bag, and drive a wooden stake through it, she will be yours forever (because all of her dreams will be dead).

i expected better
… okay, I really didn't, cos it's Chris Martin, but I love the thought of these stalker douchebags getting regularly beaten to a pulp.

mmm chocolate
I still can't quite bring myself to try spicy chocolate. Just seems wrong somehow.

oh man!
I wanted to see this movie when I saw Jason Statham was in it, but having seen the rest of the cast, I now MUST see it. I may have to rent this along with Dragon Wars in a few months and do a shitty movie double header. Fantastic.

"sweaty, engorged, feather-encrusted member"

yes please!
I adore this show, and I'd love to see more of it on here, along with other shows on BBC America.

The Libertines were pretty good, but they're not the amazing gift to the British music scene that the music magazines seem to think they are. Pete Doherty's a trainwreck, and the only reason I'm glad he hasn't died of a heroin overdose is because it would have made him some kind of died-before-his-time legend.

you forgot
The bizarre blood-red alien fungus that creeps over everything. That had real potential for creepiness but alas, was overshadowed by the ridiculousness of the rest of the movie.

It's pretty interesting how a company with slightly less shady business practices can so quickly put me off buying anything they make. And that's not even considering how utterly fucking hideous everything they make is. There's an AA in my city (we have a huge hipster population), and every time I pass by it I

it figures
I see this announcement AFTER I notice all the changes.

i'm not seeing it
And it's not just because Kirsten Dunst annoys the hell out of me. She's no Debbie Harry.

Well, the guy is pushing 30, and we all know that heavy douchebaggery leads to premature aging.

something else i can say
It would be really great if Target would stop trying to imitate 'high' fashion crap. If I see one more bizarrely-cut jersey-knit blouse in a fugly colour, I'm not sure I could restrain the urge to vomit all over it. It would probably be an improvement, actually.

That's all I can say, is WHAT.

i like this feature anyway
But, despite how obvious a dig it was at the whiners who complain about who the AV Club interviews, the Brett Ratner thing made me laugh and laugh.