
I saw It Follows at this year's AFI Fest and it's the best horror film of the past 5 years. If you're a fan of Carpenter's Halloween, or original movies, or being scared, go see it!

"Yes, the wily chocolatier lured Mendes away with either the promise of scrumdiddlyumptious delights beyond imagining, or the threat of a chocolate-melting laser aimed at his gobstoppers."

I felt like the emphasis on the boys dying in combat wasn't a pro-war message; it was just speaking to Fowler, who is much older than Serling and has different values. Dying for your country used to be just about the noblest thing you could possibly do, which is why those children were the ones convincing Fowler his

Do you even buttle, bro?

Somewhat dynamic text has had a scattered representation in the CG era, in various forms. There are a few movies like Slumdog Millionaire, for instance, with colorful or moving subtitles in order to escape the sedateness of the standard captioning formats.

I had some real life cultural mentors—my parents introduced me to a lot of classic movies and 80s music, and in particular one of my teachers introduced me to film as an art form. But when I think about the people whose tastes and opinions guided my own, I think of people I never actually knew (although it sometimes

A++ Newswire, would read and immensely enjoy again.

This is an excellent and very much correct review. The problem with Bates Motel from the beginning is that it's really just too far from the highway to attract the cross country road trip business, and the carpets are tacky.

Bon Jovi's "Shot Through the Heart"

Exactly what I was thinking. No paleontologist could resist that pun. Also, it's one of the few things they haven't yet cut out of that book. Which, to be fair, was Crichton going, "Oh, you want a cinematic adventure full of set-pieces? I can do that shit."

I liked "A Game of Pool" but I found it pretty distracting that neither actor was actually playing. It's all shot with close-ups of the actors, close-ups of the balls, or wide shots with the part of the table that's in play framed out. Mostly it works, but overall the effect is a little unnatural.

This is the first time I've read this feature (Sandman, I mean, not just The Wake) and reading along was a blast. So thank you!

Ugh, that scene where they propose the LP to June was blatantly VO'd. They rewrote it in post, basically. I wonder what the original scene was.

And yet still no adaptation of the Garth Ennis comic. For shame, Hollywood.

I read (and reread every so often) several webcomics with decade+ archives (Sluggy Freelance, Schlock Mercenary). I watched all 20 seasons of Law and Order. I'm in the early stages of a project to read all Batman things ever in chronological order.

Insider? I hardly know 'er!

Oh, hey, I read this back when it was a spec script in 2009. I quite liked it then, but perhaps it didn't get filmed very well. I'll probably watch it just to see how it made the transition.

Come on! Obscure Frank Miller comic, but no entry for Transmetropolitan, a comics masterpiece that is almost entirely about a journalist's crusade against two consecutive evil presidents ("The Beast" and "The Smiler")? For shame, Inventory.

Wolf Creek is really good, and it's a shame that much of the critical response at the time was to lump it in with torture porn. It's really just straight-up horror, with the emphasis on shock and suspense rather than the drain of the long, drawn-out torture sessions of, say, Hostel. The scenes of violence are a little

When you're a spy, you always want to save your best explosions for the season finale.