
When you're a spy, you always want to save your best explosions for the season finale.

Note that it didn't take two years to complete because it takes two years to watch that much Law and Order; I took breaks and stuff to do other shows.

Note that it didn't take two years to complete because it takes two years to watch that much Law and Order; I took breaks and stuff to do other shows.

The ending totally elevates that entire series into a beautiful, grandiose deconstruction of formulaic children's novels. It pulls off the same trick Harry Potter does—finishing much more adult than it began—without getting bogged down in plot. By frustrating our desire to narrativize the story (detail the mythology,

The ending totally elevates that entire series into a beautiful, grandiose deconstruction of formulaic children's novels. It pulls off the same trick Harry Potter does—finishing much more adult than it began—without getting bogged down in plot. By frustrating our desire to narrativize the story (detail the mythology,

Father to a zombie son, husband to a zombie wife. And I will have my brains, in this life or the next.

Father to a zombie son, husband to a zombie wife. And I will have my brains, in this life or the next.

Had it lived, Awake should have committed to doing a different insane sci-fi premise each season. Season 2: clones.

Had it lived, Awake should have committed to doing a different insane sci-fi premise each season. Season 2: clones.

Suggestions for future classic AV Club:

Suggestions for future classic AV Club: