Two-Fisted Tales

Aw, if you didn't have such an issue with fisting maybe you wouldn't be an ExWife. I'd divorce you, too.
Boy, Disqus is fun.

And now you know why the vast majority of reviewers and critics, and not just for video games, hate Metacritic and aggregator sites in general.

He didn't give it a 5. Metacritic did. He gave it a C, which would be the equivalent of a 7 on almost all game sites.
So now you can understand it. Go spread the word to nerds everywhere.

Yeah, but it's a lot more fun to read if you imagine it coming out with Toki's voice.
"needs give" indeed.

Leave the comedy to the grownups, kiddo.

Only if they write with their feet.
Saw a video of a guy doing that once. Pretty cool.

Yay! If you're too thick to understand how the comments/thread/nesting work around here and think I'd refer to Badass Badlan as a someone who just popped in to the site, it's probably for the best that you go, preferably to someplace where people can't differentiate between "your" and "you're" and have a depressing

And by "your mom" I mean "I banged your mom."

And by "people" I mean "your mom."

People think you need to learn to type.

Man, you make me so glad I'm not in high school any more.

You assume that's a bad thing.
Go back to IGN.

Morely is just a prop brand, as in it's a mass produced product that prop departments buy. If you're making a film or TV show it's pretty much the only thing you can get. I don't think it has any special significance that puts all of this in the head of an autistic boy.

Nope, I saved that for the most boring and unoriginal one I saw. My racism has nothing to do with it.
The thing is, I agree with him for the most part. Subtly and nuance are something the writers have never grasped, even in the comic. But after  nine episodes anyone who didn't ditch the show long ago has no room to

It's very, very sad that your statement is true.

Aww, it's okay, we're grown-ups around here. You can say "fuck" and "asshole" all you want.


I think your Aspergers renders you unable to grasp humorous intentional overstatement. It's kind of a thing around here, as is sarcasm, wry understatement, and the ever-present "snark." Good thing you're just a neckbeard popping in to rant about a video game review and will never have to come back to the site and

Wow, thanks for pointing that out. The thousands of other comments saying the exact same thing since the show debuted (albeit much more humorously) never tipped me off to problematic dialog.

This show actually takes place in the near-distant future where they have completely silent generators that require no fuel. Those also power the water pumps that provide modern plumbing.