
My immediate choice was Mother of Tears, which had me leaving the theater shaking my head with pity for Argento's declining talent. On the other hand, I actually REMEMBER stuff from MOT, which is more than I can say for every other movie he's made since Opera. Even Sleepless, which I thought was pretty good, has

That's what trailers are for, Blerg. To convince people that they need to see the movie. This one failed.

Me? I'm just a Nebbish-Cat who has better things to do than get pissed off about boring movies that I'm never going to watch. As for who cares, I think it's safe to say that no one with a brain cares about anything written on these threads, by me or anyone else. At least I hope no one does; that would be pretty sad,

Lobsters is being weirdly irrational about this, even for him. I really can't imagine why he cares; the movie looks dull as dishwater to me. If you're gonna get worked up about a movie, pick a more interesting one.

Various football games, the MLB playoffs (even though I don't give a damn about any of the teams), and two old Mexican horror movies, La Maldicion de la Llorona and El Hombre y el Monstruo. Oh, and a few episodes of Hoarding, to inspire me to work on thinning my movie collection.

The kid in The Child (1977) was pretty creepy. She made friends with local zombies and sicced 'em on the people who pissed her off. Saw that on Elvira's show when I was in grade school and it freaked me out.

Seriously, though, Lobsters, what is up with this sudden random capitalization? Did you have a stroke or something?

Not after that awful facelift he had last year. He looks more like a Bond villain's creepy gay underling now.

Nice random historical reference, S. McK. Or do they still call cadences Jodies?

I think mizerock's right. I can't identify a single Katy Perry song at first hearing, but when I was getting my hair cut recently, I found myself thinking, "What is this flaming piece of shit they're playing?" And then they got to the chorus, and I thought, "Ah, California Gurls." (And thanks to the AV Club, I even

And I don't want any crap about whether those things are zombies or not. They're mad with rage and they bite people. That's good enough.

Adding to the love for [REC}. It's a lot of fun, and the creature at the very end is high on my list of things I wish I'd never seen.

@Tuck Pendleton Machine: I have to disagree. Arizona is horrifying for a lot of reasons, but at least we have low humidity and really kick-ass Mexican food.

If it had been based on a French comic book, I'm guessing that all the female characters would have been naked and the leads would probably have died at the end. Which obviously would have made it infinitely better. Pity.

There was nothing even remotely fun about any of those facts.

Yeah, gooeyduck wins that contest pretty much every time. There is some freaky shit going on under the sea.

Don't get me wrong, I love the things. I even like the way they look, although some are more attractive than others. But not when they're shaved or waxed. Shaved/waxed male batch = leprous plucked chicken.

Ew, you guys. To be fair, let's now try to think of some disgusting descriptions of male genitalia. I'll start: Leprous plucked chicken.

Bob Clark gave the world Black Christmas, Porky's, and A Christmas Story. I don't care if there were seventeen Baby Genius sequels, his legacy is untouchable.

Magic is everywhere.
As awful as the Suspiria remake sounds, I'm actually more depressed about Romero's version of Deep Red. Suspiria, though fun, was kind of a mess anyway, and it's already been sort-of remade (as Danse Macabre, with Robert Englund — in drag!). Deep Red was a pretty damn good movie, and I would