
No problem, you can find all of O'Reilly's books at literally every thrift store in the country. Most of them have quite obviously never been read.

This interview with director William Grefe, about the making of the 1972 snake-revenge movie STANLEY, is always the first thing I think of when I hear Rocco's name:

I love Transylvania Twist. There, I said it.

Amen. Between Duel and The Being, he had the horror of desert travel nailed. I think of him on every road trip.

The scene where Perlman is picking at his feet and then sniffing his fingers creeped/grossed me out more than pretty much anything I've ever seen in any horror film. It's a real sign of his talent that his character was so disgusting and yet simultaneously so wonderful.

"If you're an Andy Milligan fan, there's no hope for you." Michael Weldon, Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film.

I once got to spend four hours in an ER waiting room with two teenaged boys who spent a good deal of time discussing how awesome the then-upcoming "Jack and Jill" looked, so you may have something there. (These kids were strangers to me. I feel it's important to point out that no one I know was excited about that

Few of us are, I suppose, but I've never gotten the Butler lust. He always had such a puffy head.

Few of us are, I suppose, but I've never gotten the Butler lust. He always had such a puffy head.

Dunno, but he looks like Joe Walsh in that picture.

Dunno, but he looks like Joe Walsh in that picture.

It was Kevin J. O'Connor, and the character was actually Hungarian despite his Middle Eastern-style garb, and I hate myself for knowing this.

It was Kevin J. O'Connor, and the character was actually Hungarian despite his Middle Eastern-style garb, and I hate myself for knowing this.

I never realized Glenn Danzig was so teeny-weeny. It's like one of the Family Circus kids grew up to be a leather boy.

I never realized Glenn Danzig was so teeny-weeny. It's like one of the Family Circus kids grew up to be a leather boy.

Damn it, I came here specifically to point out that Kincade's stuff looks like the farmhouse in "The Colour Out of Space." Maybe next time I shouldn't wait two days before commenting.

It's by no means Argento's best, but I love Inferno. Maybe it's because it has practically no plot or dialogue, and just goes from one insane scene to another (with occasional pauses for Leigh McCloskey's dull and unfortunately-mustachioed character). The warlock's lair under the library? The room full of water? The

He was, although I hardly appreciated it at the time. As far as sexy Draculas go, I figure it's William Marshall in first place, Christopher Lee second, Langella third.

I saw Liberace in concert once, when I was a little kid. I had no idea who he was. I remember only two things: 
1) He had some kind of illuminated watershow thing on stage while he was playing, which I thought was awesome.2) He wore a huge fur cape that tied with cords that had little balls of fur on the ends, which

That's what I took away from this, too. It's like those bumper stickers that say "Abortion stops a beating heart;" I always think, "Well, it damned well BETTER, that's what I'm paying for."