Gymkata Nabors

Hey, everyone still likes Mike Myers and Jim Carrey right?………right?

I prefer the show "2 guys, a girl, and a pizza-face"

Please, like the Star-Whackers would waste their time with this nobody. They only go after stars of David Carradine and Randy Quaids stature.

@ sarCCastro Fuck you!! Magruber was fucking hysterical!!!!

Don't forget GB2 features the greatest song in the history of music on the soundtrack: "On our own" by Mr. Bobby Brown. FUCK YEAH!!

Goddamn Hollywood Star-Whackers!!!
They are really working overtime today.

Dear Hollywood Star-Whackers

I, for one prefer to have my cube gleamed. I find that to be rad.

Like Father, Like Son?
Dudley Moore just rolled over in his grave, and Kirk Cameron got left behind.

Hey, Ol' Honky Tonk's still kickin'

I heard Little L'il Wayne was tattooed to look like a barber's pole.

Whoomp, there it is?

Cable Guy worked when it first came out and only continues to get better.

He should focus on all the scenes set in the basement.

The brilliance of MacGruber
Goddamnit!!!! Why so much hate for MacGruber? That was the funniest movie I've seen in years. It even pulled a likable performance out of Ryan Phillippe.

I would prefer Wilford Brimley as Quaker Oatmeal-face.

I remember everything from Congo. Ernie Hudson with an English accent! Joe Don Baker as an asshole! Grey gorillas guarding diamonds! Amy want raindrop drink! Delroy Lindo's sesame cake!

Second on Keith David. He is truly awesome, best voice in the business. And he can take a hell of a back body drop.

Also he was also in the greatest film of all time: Cobra!

Renee Zellweger would make a terrific cenobite. Think of all the money on make-up effects they would save.